Fonds documents Dr. H.E. MacDermot's medical-historical activities. The fonds contains newspaper clippings, manuscript notes, photographs, lectures notes, and a draft of The MGH, the Years of Change.
The fonds largely document Dr. Segall's professional activities as a cardiologist. It contains correspondence, notes, experimental notebooks, lecture notes, articles, speeches, patients' records, electrocardiograms, reprints and material pertaining to the Louis Gross Memorial Lectures, 1922-1979. Also included are several electrocardiograph machines, dictation devices, and audio recordings (reel-to-reel tapes, dictation disks, and cassette tapes). In addition, the fonds contain records of Dr. Segall's personal and family correspondence, financial transactions, and various other official and unofficial documents.
The collection contains private records and papers relating to the medical and teaching career of Maude Abbott. It consists in large part of correspondence, 1894-1920, including family correspondence with, among others, her sister Alice Abbott, 1904-1919, and her brother Rev. Harry M. Babin, 1916-1920. Also included are manuscripts and drafts of articles and addresses; case reports; post-mortem records; glass slides and drawings; exhibit panels largely pertaining to her research on congenital heart disease; programmes of medical meetings, 1902-1937; reprints and papers relating to the history of medicine in Montreal and Quebec, as well as to the history of McGill, 1829-1936. In addition, there are photographs, some poems, an autobiographical sketch and a printed copy of her Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Sir William Osler's Publications, 1939, with corrections and annotations by W. W. Francis. Fonds also includes a draft of Abbott's letter to the Dean of Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, regarding admission (1889).
The collection contains correspondence, curriculum vitae, a poem written by his wife, Elizabeth Turnor, a record of medical examinations for the Coroner's Court of Montreal, 1894 and lectures notes. The greater part of the notes consists of embryology notes made at the Anatomisches Institut, Munich, around 1900.
Fonds documents Dr. Alton Goldbloom's professional activities, mainly his writings on pediatrics. The fonds contains diplomas, notice of appointment, correspondence, notes, reprints, manuscripts of I'm on Your Side, Small Patients, and revised text of Le soin de l'enfant.
The fonds consists of records generated and accumulated by Arthur Vineberg during his professional activities but also contains some records related to his private life. The records are divided into nine series : A. Personal and Biographical Documents, B. Accounting, C. Medical and Research Work, D. Hospital Institutional Work, E. Publications, F. Talks, Lectures, Conferences, TV and Radio Broadcastings, G. Professional Associations and Congress, H. Films and I. Clippings on Vineberg