Young Men's Christian Association
- CA CAC 1-3-349
- File
- July 1928-November 1929
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of architectural drawings for recreational club (basement, 2 floors; brick and stone; composite) and 2 photographs (1 perspective and 1 finished exterior). Drawings include:
1 survey drawing: block plan
1 presentation drawing: exterior perspective
22 development drawings: floor plans, plasterwork (including end and corner panel), tennis courts, block plan, recreation field
10 working drawings: floor plans, roof plan, elevations, sections, structural plans
88 detail drawings: floor plans, elevations, doors, lighting, swimming pool, wall openings, stairs, entrance hall, room interiors and plans, ceiling plans, gym, mantels, tile work, fitting, windows, brickwork (including entrance, elevation, chimney stack), drains, showers, entrance hood, trims, copings, staircase, roof, screens, lettering, bronze grilles, flagpole, plasterwork (including cornices, architrave), wrought iron balconies, woodwork, stonework (including rondels, finials, chimney caps, buttress caps, entrance, steps, windows, copings)
12 shop drawings: pool, gym
9 consultant drawings: floor plans, roof plan, pool, stair
2 record drawings: floor plans