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Letter to Grace Revere Osler, May 11, 1925

Letter to Grace Revere Osler from William Turrell, Cherwell Lodge, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Turrell thanks Lady Osler for sending him a copy of "Life of Sir William Osler." He feels that the most striking example of Osler's work is the greatly enhanced standard of Medicine in Oxford. He writes of Izaak Walton Jr. Includes partial letter from Arnold Muirhead.

Turrell, William

Letter to Grace Revere Osler, April 26, 1925

Letter to Grace Revere Osler from P.S. Allen, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Allen thanks Lady Osler for sending him a copy of Cushing's "Life of Sir William Osler." Osler's life has been an inspiration to him.

Allen, P. S. (Percy Stafford), 1869-1933

Letter to Harvey Cushing, April 30, 1925

Letter to Harvey Cushing from Joseph Collins, 37, West 54th Street, New York, New York, USA. Collins believes that Cushing will be pleased with his reviews of "Life of Sir William Osler," which will appear in "The Sun" and "The Bookman." He does recall May Osborne's letter, and is delighted that Lady Osler let it stand. He sends Cushing copies of the reviews of his book and of "Arrowsmith."

Collins, Joseph

Letter to Harvey Cushing, May 1, 1925

Letter to Harvey Cushing from Walter M. Boothby, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. Boothby looks forward with pleasure to reading Cushing's "Life of Sir William Osler," but Miss Sandiford has already stolen the first volume, and her sister the second.

Boothby, Walter M.

Letter to Harvey Cushing, May 2, 1925

Letter to Harvey Cushing from George S. Mandell, Boston Evening Transcript, Editorial Rooms, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Mandell writes of Mr. Edgett, Professor Bliss Perry, and Mr. Edmund Noble.

Mandell, George S.

Letter to Harvey Cushing, August 12, 1925

Letter to Harvey Cushing from Irene Sandiford, College Apartments, D4, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. Sandiford congratulates Cushing on his book, "Life of Sir William Osler," which she feels will strengthen an Anglo-American Union. Dr. Thomas Noble from England will soon be in Boston and would like to meet with Cushing. Professor Lusk and Dr. Du Bois have been to visit, and she hopes Cushing will soon do the same.

Sandiford, Irene

Letter to Harvey Cushing, August 12, 1925

Letter to Harvey Cushing from Henry O. Reik, Editor, Medical Society of New Jersey, Grammercy Court, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA. Reik congratulates and compliments Cushing on his book, "Life of Sir William Osler."

Reik, Henry Ottridge, 1868-1938

Letter to Harvey Cushing, August 16, 1925

Letter to Harvey Cushing from George Edward Clark, 96, Glenbrook Road, Stamford, Connecticut, USA. Clark explains that there is an error in the spelling of his name as it appears in Cushing's "Life of Sir William Osler."

Clark, George Edward

Letter to Harvey Cushing, August 13, 1925

Letter to Harvey Cushing from David B. Jewett, 219, Alexander Street, Rochester, New York, USA. Jewett thanks Cushing for the care he gave to Frederick Fuller and for sending a copy of "Life of Sir William Osler."

Jewett, David Baldwin

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