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Bungalow at Singapore

Photograph depicting scene in Singapore, 1874 (then a British colony), showing a house with a thatched roof, surrounded by palm trees. Three men stand and pose in front of the house, while a man in uniform is seated on a horse on the left.

Montevideo from the mountain

Photograph depicting a landscape view of Montevideo, Uruguay, from the mountain. City buildings visible in foreground, with the harbour beyond. Photograph by Bate & Co., a Montevideo studio.

Vista general of Montevideo

Photograph depicting landscape view of Montevideo, Uruguay, showing city buildings, with the harbour in the distance. A man with a telescope (?) is visible on a roof in the foreground. Photograph by Bate & Co., a Montevideo studio.

S. Clemente, Botafogo et Pão de Assucar

Photograph depicting landscape view of São Clemente, Botafogo and Sugarloaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Photograph by G. Leuzinger (a Swiss photographer based in Brazil), which won a silver medal at the Exposition Nationale of Rio de Janeiro (1866) and an honourable mention in the Exposition Universelle of Paris (1867).

Leuzinger, George, 1813-1892

Salisbury Cathedral

Reproduction of photograph depicting landscape view of Salisbury Cathedral, a medieval Anglican cathedral in Salisbury, England which features the tallest church spire in the U.K.

Results 1 to 10 of 29206