McGill Library
McLennan Library Building3459 rue McTavish
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 0C9
Durnford, Alexander Tilloch Galt, 1898-1973
Alexander Tilloch Galt Durnford (1898-1973) was born in Montreal. In 1922 he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in architecture from McGill University. After working for a few years in New York, initially with the architectural firm of G. B. Post and Sons, later for Delano and Aldrich, Durnford returned to Montreal where he practised architecture from 1924 onwards. From 1924 to 1934 Durnford practised architecture alone. In 1934 he merged his practice with that of Harold Lea Fetherstonhaugh (1887-1971). In 1946 their practice was joined by Richard E. Bolton (b. 1907) and R.V. Chadwick (b. 1916). Fetherstonaugh retired in 1955. Durnford served in the Second World War and lived in Ottawa during the war. He was a member of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and the Royal Institute of British Architects. In 1964 Durnford retired from the firm of Durnford, Bolton, Chadwick and Ellwood.
Alexander Tilloch Galt Durnford (1898-1973) est né à Montréal. En 1922, il a obtenu un baccalauréat en architecture de l'Université McGill. Après avoir travaillé quelques années à New York, d'abord au cabinet de G. B. Post and Sons puis pour Delano et Aldrich, Durnford est revenu à Montréal où il a exercé l'architecture à compter de l'année 1924. De 1924 à 19
34, il a exercé seul. En 1934, il s'est associé avec Harold Lea Fetherstonhaugh (1887-1971). En 1946, Richard E. Bolton (né en 1907) et R.V. Chadwick (né en 1916) se sont joints à leur cabinet. Fetherstonhaugh prend sa retraite en 1955. Durnford a participé à la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et a vécu à Ottawa pendant la guerre. Il a été membre de l'Institut royal d'architecture du Canada et du Royal Institute of British Architects. En 1964, Durnford se retire du cabinet Durnford, Bolton, Chadwick et Ellwood.
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Durnford, Alexander Tilloch Galt, 1898-1973