McGill Library
McLennan Library Building3459 rue McTavish
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 0C9
Maurice McGregor Fonds
16 cm textual records. – 4 photographs. – 1 silk Bethune portrait. – 1 paper-cut Bethune portrait. – 16 Bethune stamps.
Maurice McGregor, MB, BCh, MD, FRCP(C), FRCP(London), FACC, O.C., trained in medicine at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. Following military service during World War Two with the British 8th army and the US 5th army (1943-1946), McGregor went on to study cardiology in London, England. From 1950 onwards, he was a clinician, teacher, and researcher at his alma mater until 1957 when he joined the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University. He has served terms as Head of Cardiology and Physician-in-Chief at the Royal Victoria Hospital, as well as Vice-Principal and Dean of Medicine (1968-1973) at McGill University. Dr. McGregor also served terms as the Bethune Exchange Professor at Peking Medical College (Beijing Medical College) in 1973 and as Dean of Medicine at his alma mater from 1984-1987.
Over the course of his career, McGregor has published over 180 articles, chiefly in the fields of cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology, medical education, and health policy. Dr. McGregor has had experience as both a consumer and a producer of HTAs and Clinical Practice Guidelines – the former as a member of numerous hospitals' governing boards, and the latter as the founding president of Quebec's HTA agency, the Conseil d'évaluation des technologies de la santé du Québec (1988-1994), founding board member of the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment, and as chair and editor of Canada's Guidelines for the Management of Breast Cancer (1994-1998). McGregor is a cardiologist, founding chair of the Technology Assessment Unit of the McGill University Health Centre, and recipient of the Order of Canada (2010). He is Professor Emeritus at McGill University.
Materials accumulated by Dr. Maurice McGregor and donated to the Osler Library in 2015.
The content of the fonds includes letters, photographs, and official documents surrounding the Norman Bethune McGill-China Professorship Exchange at Peking Medical College, in addition to medical pamphlets, typed addresses, several commemorative Norman Bethune items. There are various Chinese tourist brochures and maps that McGregor collected during his travels in China, as well as newspaper clippings, reprints, and copies of articles collected by McGregor about China and medicine in the mid-1970s.
Folder names are from M. McGregor's original folder names.
Documents are in English, some in Mandarin
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