Letter to William Sydney Thayer from William Osler, R.M.S. "Campania". Osler will soon return from England and go directly to join Grace and son at Bar Harbor. He suggests that Thayer take a vacation.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, R.M.S. "Campania". Osler reports that Adami's paper went off very well at the Edinburgh meeting of the B.M.A. Additional notes by Adami.
"Visit to Winford Eagle." Osler's notes on his trip to England. He writes of his visit to the birthplace of the great Sydenham and his own findings in the parish register regarding Sydenham's family, life and work. Includes manuscript notes.
Letter to Grace Revere Osler from William Osler, 12a, Curzon Street & 1 Queen Street, London, England. He writes that they must both remain humble despite his appointment as Fellow of the Royal Society, his appointment as Dean of Clinical Medicine and his two honorary degrees (Edinburgh and Aberdeen) all in one year. He reports on his time in England.
Letter to Grace Revere Osler from William Osler, Royal Mail Steamship "Etruria". He reports on his travels to England and on the events of the ship. Stewart, Roddick and Brock are also on board. He offers comforting words to his wife, reminding her that the five weeks they will be apart will pass quickly.
Letter to Simon Flexner from William Osler, The Waldorf Astoria, Fifth Avenue, Astor Court, New York, USA. He expresses his sympathy over the death of Livingood. He has left Grace and his son at Bar Harbor for the summer.