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Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919
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Alice Russel Fonds

  • CA OSLER P074
  • Fonds
  • 1905 - 1963

Fonds documents the friendship between Mrs. Alice Russel and Dr. Abraham Flexner. It also includes documents collected by Mrs. Russel on Sir William Osler and Maude Abbott. The fonds contains correspondence and newspaper clippings.

Russel, Alice

Aubrey T. Mussen Fonds

  • CA OSLER P186
  • Fonds
  • 1910-1911

The fonds consists mainly of a bound notebook that Mussen kept with notes on his experimental investigations. Includes mounted photographs of brain specimens and animal subjects. Fonds also contains loose manuscript notes and two overhead projector transparencies.

Mussen, Aubrey T.

Charles G. Roland Fonds

  • CA OSLER P147
  • Fonds
  • [197-?]-[199-?]

The fonds consists of Dr. Roland's files principally in relationship to his research on Sir William Osler and to his activities in the American Osler Society

Roland, Charles G.

Edward William Archibald Fonds

  • CA OSLER P088
  • Fonds
  • 1895-1945

The fonds includes Dr. Archibald’s correspondence and reports pertaining to the Ministry of National Defence, 1940-1945; certificates and diplomas; and a photograph. The correspondents include family members, Dr. John McCrae and Sir William Osler. There is also a draft of a book on wound ballistics and gas gangrene; an Army Field Service book, 1916 and two notebooks on internal and external pathology, “matiere medicale et therapeutique,” and “medecine legale et toxicologie,” 1895.

Archibald, Edward W. (Edward William), 1872-1945

Ernest Dressel North Fonds

  • CA OSLER P102
  • Fonds
  • 1913

The fonds contains correspondence concerning a dinner in honour of Sir William Osler at the University Club, New York, organized by Beverly Chew, M. Taylor Pyne, Edward G. Kennedy, William Augustus White, Frederick R. Halsey and Ernest Dressel North in 1913. The fonds includes 74 original letters. E.D. North managed the correspondence for the event, which included numerous bibliophiles.

North, Ernest Dressel, 1858-1945

Frank Campbell MacIntosh Fonds

  • CA OSLER P127
  • Fonds
  • 1886-1988

Fonds documents Dr. F.C. MacIntosh's teaching and research activities at McGill. The fonds contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, reprints of publications, photographs, documents related to the International Union for Physiological Sciences, lectures, and student reports. The fonds also contains a dossier on Professor George Ralph Mines (1886-1914) assembled by Dr. MacIntosh from 1982-1986. The dossier includes publications, photographs, obituaries, and autopsy information of G.R. Mines, as well as correspondence regarding his death and a copy of "The short brilliant career and strange death of G.R. Mines," written by MacIntosh in 1985.

MacIntosh, F. C. (Frank Campbell)

George Dock Fonds

  • CA OSLER P043
  • Fonds
  • 1891-1919

Fonds contains correspondence mostly between George Dock and Sir William Osler but also with Lady Osler, W.W. Francis and Archibald Malloch, from 1891 to 1919. The fonds includes 106 letters, originals and carbon copies.

Dock, George, 1860-1951

George Eli Armstrong Fonds

  • CA MUA MG2024
  • Fonds
  • 1852-1933

Fonds primarily documents Armstrong’s social life. They consist overwhelmingly of correspondence for the period 1909-1933. Letters from his professional colleagues, such as Sir William Osler, F.J. Shepard, Edward Archibald, William J. Mayo and others in the Mayo Clinic, are concerned largely with personal greetings, association memberships, or Medical Faculty business, particularly honorary degrees. Armstrong's non-medical correspondents include Lord Beaverbrook, Lord Atholstan, Sir Hugh Allan, Arthur Meighen, George Foster and Herbert Symonds. Topics include politics, Armstrong's war work and honours, some medicals matters, and personal news. Appended to this main series are obituaries and letters of sympathy to Armstrong's widow (1933), six photographs, including one of Armstrong in an operating room, and admission cards and diplomas from Armstrong's student years.

Armstrong, George Eli, 1854-1933

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