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Showing 18399 results

Archival description
Rare Books and Special Collections
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2575 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Assessment of Built Projects for Sustainable Communities
Assessment of Built Projects for Sustainable Communities
La gestion locale de l'environment, dans les municipalités urbaines du Québec
La gestion locale de l'environment, dans les municipalités urbaines du Québec
Graphic material
Graphic material
Six uncut sheets of pantins
Six uncut sheets of pantins
Sheet with two pantins
Sheet with two pantins
French paper pantins
French paper pantins
Coloured sheet of animated figures
Coloured sheet of animated figures
Coloured scene with background figures in battle
Coloured scene with background figures in battle
Theatrical portraits: J. Redington
Theatrical portraits: J. Redington
Results 1 to 10 of 18399