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School of Urban Planning Collection

  • Collection
  • 1952-2006

The collection consists of reports and plans for urban and rural areas from all provinces of Canada and some international cities, including Boston, New York, Chicago, France, and London, dating from the late 1950s to the 1990s. Most of the material consists of plans and reports for future land-uses that are revised, usually every decade. It also includes regulations for these areas, such as zoning. Some reports deal with sectorial policies such as housing, transportation, conservation, or environmental protection.

McGill University. School of Urban Planning.

Rosalynde Stearn Puppet Collection

  • CA RBD RS001
  • Collection
  • before 1952

The collection was formed by the Canadian puppeteer Rosalynde Osborne Stearn as a comprehensive library on the puppet theatre with representative examples of puppets characteristic of different periods and countries. It includes some 2714 books and periodicals from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries on the puppet theatre in various European languages as well as scripts for puppet plays. The collection contains 171 puppets from Europe, Asia (including shadow puppets), and the Americas, from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. Also included are toy theatres, theatrical portraits, paintings, prints and posters.

Sir Arthur Currie Collection

  • CA MUA RG2 Currie
  • Collection
  • 1901-1945

The collection consists of a selection of records reflecting Sir Arthur Currie's tenure as Principal of McGill University from 1920 to 1933. His administration was marked by the establishment of the Faculty of Music, the School for Graduate Nurses, and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. Constructed during this period were Moyse Hall, the Roddick Gates, a Biology Building (now the F. Cyril James Administration Building), and additions to Royal Victoria College and Redpath Library. Currie died in office on 30 November 1933. His records form a part of the McGill University's executive and administrative records, RG2: Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor. The Principal is the academic head and chief administrative officer of the University. Under the original Charter of 1821, the Principal constituted with the Board of Governors and the Fellows (now the Senate) a body politic and corporate. Later amendments to the Charter and changes in the University statutes have not significantly altered the position of Principal. Ex officio, by virtue of his office, the Principal is also Vice-Chancellor of the University, a member of the Board of Governors and Chairman of the Senate. Frequently, it has been the Principal's vision and personality which have determined the course of McGill's development; therefore, the records not only document the administrative activities of the office, but also often reflect the character of the whole institution. Currie's records fall more or less into the three general series: external correspondence, internal administration and academic matters.

Currie, Arthur, Sir, 1875-1933

McGill University War Records Collection

  • CA MUA RG 82, 0000-0481
  • Collection
  • 1942-1946

The collection documents the involvement of McGill faculty, students, alumni, and staff during the Second World War. It contains information on 5568 men and women on active service, including 295 women. It also provides information on the 298 dead, 52 prisoners of war, and 629 recipients of medals.

The greater portion consists of folders, index cards, newspaper clippings, correspondence, and photographs of individual soldiers and civilians. Index cards, documents and photographs were created and accumulated by Fetherstonhaugh and placed in alphabetical order within specific categories. The collection contains four distinct series: index cards; textual documents, including newspaper clippings; correspondence and articles arranged by subject; and photographs. The first series contains subseries reflecting Fetherstonhaugh’s original subdivision categories.

The index cards are arranged in the following groupings:

-Subversive activities
-Prisoners of war
-University staff
-Macdonald College
-Army course
-General list A-H
-General list I-Mc
-General list M-Z
-Returned from active service
-Photos in extension file
-Photos on loan

Other files in the collection include correspondence and newspaper clippings arranged by particular subjects; correspondence and newspaper clippings concerning the McGill War Memorial Campaign, 1947-1949; Fetherstonhaugh's account book of income and expenditures, and some vouchers, 1942-1946; McGill News articles, 1942-1946; correspondence, memoranda, invoices, reviews, and newspaper clippings, 1947-1948, concerning the book McGill University at War, 1914-1918; 1939-1945.

McGill University War Records Office

Ship's Badges

  • CA MUA RG 10
  • Collection

Collection consists of 59 heraldic plaques featuring Royal Navy and Royal Canadian Navy badges for ships and naval installations.

Carceri d’invenzione di G. Battista Piranesi Archit. Vene.

  • CA RBD Piranesi
  • Collection
  • 1800-1809

Etchings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi printed in Paris between 1800 and 1809. Sixteen plates numbered I-XVI, with the title plate first used in the second edition of 1761 and the two plates added to the second edition, Pl. II “The Man on a Rack,” and plate V, “The Lion-Bas Reliefs” as well as plate XVI, the reworked “Pier with Chains.” All plates with Roman numerals added in the second editions, numbered I-XVI, including the title plate.

Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-1778

Harvey Cushing Fonds

  • CA OSLER P417
  • Fonds
  • 1860-1925; predominantly 1920-1924

The fonds contains original and typescript letters, manuscript notes, newspaper clippings, journal extracts, reminiscences and more, assembled by Harvey Cushing chiefly between 1920 and 1924 during the course of his research for the biography of William Osler. For the biography, Cushing collected and retyped over 7500 pieces of Osler's correspondence, among which are some original letters.

The fonds is separated into three series: Manuscripts, Working Notes and Osler's Correspondence. It also contains photographs, annual reports, publications, clippings, one watercolor painting, one postcard. Osler's correspondence is further arranged in three subseries based chronologically.

Cushing, Harvey, 1869-1939

Charles R. Drew fonds

  • P226
  • Fonds
  • 1928 - 2010

The fonds consists of textual records and artifacts related to surgeon and researcher Dr. Charles R. Drew. It contains letters, artifacts, and a yearbook from Drew's time as a student at McGill University, including his notable achievements as a student athlete. These items include medals, a track meet program, an athletic shirt, and a yearbook. The fonds also contains invitations, pamphlets, and other ephemera related to tributes and honors awarded to Drew, including printed testimonials and materials associated with schools, lectures, and institutions named after him, such as the Charles R. Drew Postgraduate Medical School. These tributes and honors primarily recognize his contributions to medical science, but also encompass the program from his induction into the McGill Athletics Hall of Fame. Two letters in the fonds addressed to Drew's sister and his wife reflect on his accomplishments and include reminiscences from friends. Additionally, the fonds comprises five reprints of articles authored by Drew and two items concerning his career at Howard University and the Freedman's Hospital, including an outline for gathering a patient's medical history.

Drew, Charles, 1904-1950

S. J. Bennett Fonds

  • CA OSLER P225
  • Fonds
  • 1907-1908, 1945

Fonds contains five notebook kept by medical student S. J. Bennett while studying at McGill University's Faculty of Medicine. Each notebook is devoted to a subject of study, including one notebook each labelled "Medicine", "Bacteriology" and "Obstetrics" and two notebooks labelled "Pathology." The notes inside are dated between 1907 and 1908. The notes are organized in some cases by instructor and in some cases according to medical conditions.

Bennett, S. J.

McGill Group in Medical Genetics Oral Histories Collection

  • CA OSLER P224
  • Collection
  • 2009-2011

The McGill Group in Medical Genetics Oral Histories Collection documents the history of the McGill Group in Medical Genetics, active 1972 to 2009, through fourteen oral histories with the group's members. The Collection contains transcripts in English and in French translation of oral history interviews conducted with the members of the McGill Group in Medical Genetics between 2009 and 2011. The oral history interviews were held in the course of a larger project conducted by a group of researchers at McGill's School of Social Studies of Medicine to document the history of the group and its role in the development of the field of medical genetics in Canada more broadly. These researchers included Christopher Canning, Andrea Tone, George Weisz, and Alberto Cambrosio. The project received guidance from David Rosenblatt and funding from the Canada Research Chair Program in the Social History of Medicine. The fourteen interviews document the members' individual biographies and careers, as well as the history and development of the McGill Group in Medical Genetics during a transformative period in the field of medical genetics. The interviews are available as transcripts, created by Christopher Canning. French translations of the transcripts were also created by McGIll's Translation Services and are also made available. The following individuals were interviewed as part of the oral histories project:

  1. F. Clarke Fraser, interviewed by Christopher Canning on November 3, 2009
  2. David Rosenblatt, interviewed by Christopher Canning on December 1, 2009
  3. Rima Rozen, interviewed by Andrew Hoffman on February 16, 2010
  4. Charles Scriver, interviewed by Andrew Hoffman on March 2, 2010
  5. Reynold Gold, interviewed by Christopher Canning on July 13, 2010
  6. Leonard Pinsky, interviewed by Christopher Canning on July 21, 2010
  7. Emil Skamene, interviewed by Christopher Canning on August 5, 2010
  8. Peter Hechtman, interviewed by Christopher Canning on September 30, 2010
  9. Eric Shoubridge, interviewed by Christopher Canning on October 8, 2010
  10. Mark Trifiro, interviewed by Christopher Canning on October 22, 2010
  11. Andrew Karaplis, interviewed by Christopher Canning on November 30, 2010
  12. Robert MacKenzie, interviewed by Christopher Canning on February 2, 2011
  13. Roy Gravel, interviewed by Christopher Canning on February 4, 2011
  14. H. Susie Tenenhouse, interviewed by Christopher Canning on February 8, 2011

McGill Group in Medical Genetics

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