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McGill Group in Medical Genetics Oral Histories Collection

  • CA OSLER P224
  • Collection
  • 2009-2011

The McGill Group in Medical Genetics Oral Histories Collection documents the history of the McGill Group in Medical Genetics, active 1972 to 2009, through fourteen oral histories with the group's members. The Collection contains transcripts in English and in French translation of oral history interviews conducted with the members of the McGill Group in Medical Genetics between 2009 and 2011. The oral history interviews were held in the course of a larger project conducted by a group of researchers at McGill's School of Social Studies of Medicine to document the history of the group and its role in the development of the field of medical genetics in Canada more broadly. These researchers included Christopher Canning, Andrea Tone, George Weisz, and Alberto Cambrosio. The project received guidance from David Rosenblatt and funding from the Canada Research Chair Program in the Social History of Medicine. The fourteen interviews document the members' individual biographies and careers, as well as the history and development of the McGill Group in Medical Genetics during a transformative period in the field of medical genetics. The interviews are available as transcripts, created by Christopher Canning. French translations of the transcripts were also created by McGIll's Translation Services and are also made available. The following individuals were interviewed as part of the oral histories project:

  1. F. Clarke Fraser, interviewed by Christopher Canning on November 3, 2009
  2. David Rosenblatt, interviewed by Christopher Canning on December 1, 2009
  3. Rima Rozen, interviewed by Andrew Hoffman on February 16, 2010
  4. Charles Scriver, interviewed by Andrew Hoffman on March 2, 2010
  5. Reynold Gold, interviewed by Christopher Canning on July 13, 2010
  6. Leonard Pinsky, interviewed by Christopher Canning on July 21, 2010
  7. Emil Skamene, interviewed by Christopher Canning on August 5, 2010
  8. Peter Hechtman, interviewed by Christopher Canning on September 30, 2010
  9. Eric Shoubridge, interviewed by Christopher Canning on October 8, 2010
  10. Mark Trifiro, interviewed by Christopher Canning on October 22, 2010
  11. Andrew Karaplis, interviewed by Christopher Canning on November 30, 2010
  12. Robert MacKenzie, interviewed by Christopher Canning on February 2, 2011
  13. Roy Gravel, interviewed by Christopher Canning on February 4, 2011
  14. H. Susie Tenenhouse, interviewed by Christopher Canning on February 8, 2011

McGill Group in Medical Genetics

Schulich School of Music Performance Archive

  • CA MDML 030
  • Collection
  • 2007-2024

The collection consists of programs and recordings of ensemble performances (including opera) by students, faculty members, and guest artists associated with the Schulich School of Music at McGill University and performed at one of the School's halls (Pollack Hall, Redpath Hall, Tanna Schulich Hall, and Clara Lichtenstein Hall), as well as some performances at venues outside McGill.

McGill University. Schulich School of Music

Phonothèque québécoise Collection

  • Collection
  • 1994 - 2004

The collections including here were orginally donated to the Phonothèque québécoise by Michel Décarie, Maryvonne Kendergian (Kendergi), Réal La Rochelle, Robert Daudelin, Raymond Gervais, Nicole Guilleret and Philippe Trolliet.

A history of the collections and information about the donors can be viewed here:

AIDS Collection

  • CA OSLER P177
  • Collection
  • 1981-2009

The fonds includes a collection of AIDS activism materials, with an emphasis on its manifestation in Canada's visual art world, through the collections of Mr. John A. Schweitzer and others. Several of the documents have been signed by either John A. Schweitzer or Robert Mapplethorpe. The materials in the collection include posters, press releases, conference programs, exhibition catalogues, exhibition invitations, exhibition ephemera, programs, brochures, tear-sheets, auction catalogues, and reviews.

Schweitzer, John A., 1952-

Thomas D. Thiessen Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 319
  • Collection
  • 1980

Typed transcriptions of Charles McKenzie’s narratives about the Indigenous people of MIssouri, draft and revised draft before publication; Alexander Henry’s account entitled: “Account of a visit to the Mandan and Hidatsa Indians in 1806”; and John Macdonell’s “The Red River”. Also includes drafts for work entitled, "Early fur trade on the Northern Plains : Canadian traders among the Mandan and Hidatsa Indians, 1738-1818 : the narratives of John Macdonell, David Thompson, Franc̦ois-Antoine Larocque, and Charles McKenzie" / edited and with an introduction by W. Raymond Wood and Thomas D. Thiessen. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1985.

Thiessen, Thomas D. (Thomas David), 1947-

Marc Raboy Alternative Press Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 1214
  • Collection
  • 1978 -1998

The collection consists of books, periodicals, and published ephemera related to alternative media between roughly the 1960s and 1998. The collections has a special focus on Quebec alternative, grassroots, and political publications as well as journalism trade publications and ephemera, and union and labour movement publications. Some publications are from Cuba and China, including Cuban calendars and some documents, books, and newspapers on China.

Raboy, Marc, 1948-

Lyman Ellwood Francis Collection

  • CA MUA MG1040
  • Collection
  • 1975

This collection, assembled by the Faculty of Dentistry, consists of curricula vitae, photocopied notices of papers Francis presented at conferences, and photocopies of his thesis and some of his published articles.

Francis, Lyman Ellwood, 1916-1975

Sonde Collection

  • CA MDML 021
  • Collection
  • 1975-2013

The Sonde Collection provides a thirty-five year span of documentation for a Montreal-based Canadian experimental musical group who were very active electroacoustic composers and performers in the 70s and 80s. Sonde (formerly named MUD, Musical Design), created and played sound sources in Quebec, Canada and Europe. Sonde’s compositions were generally conceived for live performance on original sound sculptures. Using meditative improvisation, the group produced new music with sounds created by electroacoustic amplification and transformation.
The Sonde Collection is divided into 26 series and contains approximately 1,900 items. The majority of the collection consists of correspondence, concert posters and programs, and audio and video recordings. Activities of the Sonde group are described together as Sonde Papers and the activities of Charles de Mestral, a founding member of the group as Charles de Mestral Papers.
In the Sonde Papers, whenever it has been possible to do so, each item is referenced to the events listing, a numbered, chronological listing of events created by the group, entitled: ACTIVITES DU GROUPE SONDE (1975-2010) / Sonde Activities (1975-2010). The Sonde Papers include posters, programmes, scores, photographs, audio and video recordings.
The Charles de Mestral Papers are the personal items of Charles de Mestral, a member of the Sonde group from its inception. Whenever it has been possible to do so, each item is referenced to the events listing entitled: RÉALISATIONS DANS LE DOMAINE DE L’INSTALLATION SONORE (1985-2013, Charles de Mestral) / Sound Installations (1985-2013, Charles de Mestral) a numbered, chronological list of activities of Charles de Mestral. The Charles de Mestral Papers include scores, correspondence, installation plans, clippings, audio recordings and publications.

de Mestral, Charles

McGill Poster Collection

  • CA MUA MG 4218
  • Collection
  • 1974-1995

The McGill Poster Collection documents posters and ephemera announcing campus activities, primarily in the 1970s with some 1980s and 1990s material present.

McGill Poster Collection

Edwin Hatch Collection

  • CA MUA MG 1043
  • Collection
  • 1970

The fonds consists of a typed manuscript and a xerox sheet containing information collected by R.C. Amaron about Edwin Hatch, prepared for Dr. R. Williamson of England.

Amaron, R.C.

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