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Wyatt Galt Johnston Collection

  • CA OSLER P115
  • Collection
  • 1892-1984; predominant before 1906

The collection contains correspondence, curriculum vitae, a poem written by his wife, Elizabeth Turnor, a record of medical examinations for the Coroner's Court of Montreal, 1894 and lectures notes. The greater part of the notes consists of embryology notes made at the Anatomisches Institut, Munich, around 1900.

Johnston, Wyatt Galt, 1863-1902

World War I Clippings Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 1202
  • Collection
  • 1914-1915

The World War I Clippings Collection consists of approximately 635 newspaper clippings and articles related to the First World War. Most of the clippings in this collection consist of daily reporting on troop movements and events that occurred during World War I, with some editorial and commentary pieces. Also included are clippings of maps, most from unidentified newspapers, and clipped recruitment ads. Specific topics include the sinking of the Lusitania, McGill participation in the war, the siege of Przemysl, Canadian troop deployments and casualties, and the Pope. The majority of the clippings come from the Montreal Gazette (approximately 140 clippings) and the Philadelphia Public Ledger (approximately 120 clippings). Around 50 clippings are from the The Evening Bulletin (Philadelphia) and a handful are from The Times (London). Also included are some articles from the D. A. W. War Tracts (numbers 5-7), Berlin, and the Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin (New York). The fonds also contains a copy of the War Gazetteer, compiled by Charles McD. Puckette and Carrington Weems, issued by the New York Evening Post in 1914. The earliest article appears to be reporting on England's declaration of war on Germany, dated 5 August 1914.

World Fairs Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 1252
  • Collection
  • 1862-1986

Collection consists of programmes, guides, brochures, catalogues, and other ephemera from various world fairs and international exhibitions, including: Expo '86 Vancouver (1986), Expo '70 Osaka (1970), Exposition internationale in Paris (1937), Franco-British Exhibition (1908), Liverpool (1913), Exhibition universelle (1900), Latin-British Exhibition (1912), Canadian National Exhibition Toronto (1908), Golden Gate Exhibition (1939), New York World's Fair (1939), International Exhibition (1862), Irish International Exhibition (1907), New York Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations (1853), St. Louis World Fair (1904), Universal Exhibition Antwerp (1885), World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago (1893), International Exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia (1876), Chicago World's Fair (1934), and British Empire Exhibition (1924). The collection also includes postcards for various other world fairs and international exhibitions, and some country publications.

William Taylor Papers

  • CA RBD MSG 1276
  • Collection
  • 16 March 1787 - 11 October 1787

Collection consists of two commercial documents bound together that record the exchange of goods between John Taylor of Queensferry, Scotland, and William Taylor of Montreal. The first document is a one-page list of unsold goods, entitled "List of goods on Mr Wm Taylors [sic] hands remaining unsold as per account sales, sent 11th October 1787 - tho' shipt per the Elizabeth, A. Syme April 1786." It lists a variety of goods, including fabrics, horse tack, carpet, and beer, along with their values. The second document is an inventory of a shipment, entitled "Invoice of a cargo of goods sent per the Elizabeth, Captn A. Syme, to be sold on my account by Mr William Taylor, Merchant Montreal, Queensferry, March 16, 1787." The invoice lists goods - such as fabrics, accessories, tools, household goods, beer and wine, and sugar - as well as insurance, carriage, and customhouse fees.

Taylor, John (merchant in Queensferry), active 1786-1787

William Shaw and Simon Fraser Papers

  • CA RBD MSG 1275
  • Collection
  • 14 September 1778

Collection contains a "Charterparty of Affreightment" signed on 14 September 1778 between Hugh Wylee, captain of the ship Dalling, and William Shaw and Simon Fraser, merchants of Quebec City. The contract contains the terms under which Shaw and Fraser hired Wylee and his ship and crew for a commercial journey from Quebec City to the Bay of Chaleure in Gaspey (now Gaspé), and from there to Kingston, Jamaica. In exchange for carrying and unloading Shaw and Fraser's cargo, Wylee received 800 pounds and a portion of the profits from the sale of the goods.

Monro, James, active 1778

William Grant Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 432
  • Collection
  • 1792-1801

The collection contains business correspondence, including letters to William Grant and Grant, Campion & Co. from Brickwood, Pattle, & Co., 1792-1793, and letters from Brickwood & Daniell, John Blackwood, and McTavish, Fraser and Co., 1799-1800. There is also a bound letter book for Grant and Laframboise, Montreal, 1800-1801 with additional loose leaves of letter copies dating between 1798 and 1800.

Grant, William, 1743-1810

Walter Robert Bown

  • CA RBD MSG 858
  • Collection
  • 1868

Affidavit concerning Bown’s controversy with the Hudson’s Bay Company over the printing by the Nor’-Wester of a petition on memorial dealing with imprisonment of Dr. John Schultz. It is dated 10 July 1868 at St. Cloud Minn. Note: Part of Exhibit A, and all of Exhibits B, C, & D are missing.

Bown, Walter Robert, 1828-1903

Walter Crane Sketchbook Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 1191
  • Collection
  • 1864-1905

The collection consists of six of Walter Crane’s sketchbooks. Two of the sketchbooks date to the summer of 1864, and the remaining four date to the summers of 1897, 1901, 1903, and 1905. The collection’s dates offer a contrast between Crane’s early and later career as an artist. The contents feature his preliminary designs, pictorial observations of the world, and textual notes.

Crane’s sketchbooks are filled with landscapes and towns and building interiors and exteriors from Crane’s life in England and travels to Ireland. Aligned with Crane’s commissioned and published works, the sketchbooks include sketches for his book designs, a heraldic eagle, and plans for a panel painting or frieze. Flora, fauna, men, women, children, Greco-Roman figures and architectural details make up the wide range of subjects covered in the sketchbooks.

The drawings range from Crane’s rough ideas expressed in his preliminary sketches and line drawings to tonal drawings and studies of individuals, landscapes, and flowers. The drawing techniques play with perspective, topography, bodily gesture, facial expression, tone, line, outline, form, and colour.

Crane’s notations appear throughout the sketchbooks, including on the sketches themselves and on their facing pages. He also hand-wrote inspirational excerpts from poems and essays which includes quotes from Charles Kingsley and John Ruskin works.

Between blank and torn pages, the medium for the textual and visual content shifts between pen and pencil on paper. Several landscapes are full-page watercolours on paper.

Crane, Walter, 1845-1915

W. Raymond Wood Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 917
  • Collection
  • 1793-1805; July 1979

Contains copies of fur trade documents bearing on the Mandan-Hidatsa trade with North West Company posts in central Canada, 1793-1805. Includes the journals of John Macdonell (McGill), David Thompson (Archives of Ontario), François-Antoine Larocque (LAC & Université de Montréal, Baby Collection. Draft before publication of: Early fur trade on the Northern Plains: Canadian traders among the Mandan and Hidatsa Indians, 1738-1818 : the narratives of John Macdonell, David Thompson, Franc̦ois-Antoine Larocque, and Charles McKenzie / edited and with an introduction by W. Raymond Wood and Thomas D. Thiessen. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, c1985.

Wood, W. Raymond

Uprising of Naples Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 282
  • Collection
  • 1740

The collection consists of a manuscript account of the uprising Racconto della sollevazione di Napoli accaduta nell'anno 1647, written in 1740. Beginning in 1503, Naples was ruled by Spain through a viceroy. There was also a seggi or municipal administration which was dominated by the aristocracy, but did have a small popular representation. The uprising of July 1647 was provoked by the high cost of living and by taxes, and had as its figurehead a fisherman named Masaniello. It was in fact organized by Giulio Genoino, a lawyer who wanted the people's voice on the seggi to be equal to the patricians. The rebels attacked prisons and armories, looted the houses of the nobility, and lynched several people. After a few days, a settlement was negotiated by the Cardinal Archbishop

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