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Subject Files

Lists, charts, regulations, office guidelines, and constitutions and by-laws, whether individual files or consolidated as in the Montreal Council of Social Agencies Manual (file 168), are major components of Subject Files. Some of the holdings of this series and Administrative Records are closely related, but where the latter reveal more of the day-to-day function and process, Subject Files predominantly indicate the structure and regulations within which such process or administration took place. By the same token, blank or sample membership applications or other business forms are found here, while the same completed records are in other series as appropriate by provenance and function. Subject Files also hold some miscellaneous reference materials such as Activities and Interests of Health Sections and Health Councils in Other Cities in the U.S. and Canada (file 511), and the Canadian Children's Charter (file 629).

Reports, Studies, Briefs and Surveys

Second only to Projects and Task Forces in number of files, the Reports, Studies, Briefs and Surveys Series has the oldest document in M.G. 2076, the J.H.T. Falk inspired Social and Financial Survey of Protestant and Non-Sectarian Social Agencies of 1919 (file 11). Though after the mid-1960s Projects and Task Forces tended to appropriate records which previously would have gone to Reports, Studies, Briefs And Surveys, the latter series nonetheless remains a prime indicator of social welfare problems, policies and resources for most of the Council's history. With input from internal (especially committee and section) sources and external contributors alike, it features studies and reports by and, about particular MCSA agencies as well as the institution collectively, besides those addressing numerous other welfare issues. Content ranges from mundane questions of infrastructure - administrative organization and function, or Red Feather fundraising and personnel practices, for instance -- to Executive Director J.W. Frei's scholarly, theoretical paper on Research in Socio-Cultural Development (file 289).

Briefs to the federal and provincial governments are an important element of this series. Among the noteworthy are those to the 1968 Royal Commission on the Status of Women (file 861) and the 1964 Special Senate Committee on Aging (file 954), as well as that on Social Policy for Quebec (the 1967 Castonguay Commission, file 5). The two latter submissions indeed come complete with drafts and working papers (files 428, 560 and 936 respectively). Draft documents similarly figure with finished ones in the welfare planning study of Greater Montreal's English-speaking Protestant community conducted by the National Study Service of New York for the MCSA, and in J.W. Frei's response (files 986-988 and 166). While much of the material in this series relates to meeting physical and psychological needs in conventional social agency terms readily intelligible across Canada, a few items also deal with concerns like Quebec's constitutional position, and bilingualism and biculturalism, which have a special relevance for Montreal.

Publications (External)

Bulletins, brochures, magazines, pamphlets, newsletters, press clippings, guides, reports, surveys, statutes, by-laws, Hansard: examples of all of these are provided here. With documents dating from 1932 to 1970, this series contains approximately the same number of files as the previous one, which it usefully complements. Publications (External) constituted a major reference source for the Council and helped keep the institution up to date with developments in the wider welfare field, in turn reflected in the productions of Publications (MCSA and Member Organizations), and indeed other series. It likewise sets all the MCSA's activities in perspective, providing an external standard of comparison.

Necessarily North American in concentration but with some representation from Britain, Publications (External) in effect provides an extensive overview of contemporary welfare problems and the institutions and policies that addressed them. Apart from much U.S. material, it is the series which offers the most substantial listings of Canadian legislation and regulations at the municipal, provincial and national levels. Community welfare research, planning and procedure, as well as social work training, are notably covered; but data pertaining to most facets of social service can be found in this series. It may also be mentioned that, despite its title, the 1956 - 1957 Canadian Workshop on Social Work Education (file 1023) has the character of a collection of essays rather than a record of the proceedings of a regular workshop; hence its retention here and not in the Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Institute Proceedings Series. The Department of National Health and Welfare, Canadian Welfare Council, Quebec Department of Family and Social Welfare, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the Child Welfare League" of America all contribute heavily to the Publications (External) Series.

Montreal Council of Social Agencies

Publications (MSCA and Member Organizations)

These are materials published by the Council as such, or independently by its members. With respect to the former, the MCSA issued numerous documents produced in the course of its operations (initially from the New Birks Building, 10 Cathcart Street, and sometimes, also in early days, from no stated location; then from 1421 Atwater Avenue and subsequently its long-standing 1040 Atwater Avenue address). Many of these it listed in a cumulative Index to Publications composed of four chronological·Series· (file 464), nominally starting in 1919 and ending in 1968, though the first actual entry in the Index is dated 1934. The contents of the Publications (MCSA and Member Organizations) Series, however, span 1920 - 1969; and, while they do not comprise every item published by headquarters or members, do reflect those in practice filed as the series title indicates. (The Council routinely published its Annual Reports and the proceedings of Annual Meetings, but these are classified together as a separate series) .

The materials contained in Publications (MCSA and Member Organizations) embrace a range of categories, but prominent are the Commentator and Comment newsletters; service directories and guides; briefs, reports, studies and surveys; and institute, conference and workshop proceedings. Following the Council's usage, many of these materials also appear in other series. While the large majority were published by the MCSA, a few, like Administration of a Chronic Disease Hospital: ' Maimonides Hospital and Home for the Aged (file 1132), Montreal Parks and Playgrounds Association Incorporated: A Half Century of Community Service, 1902-1952 (file 1133), or the collection of articles by the Royal Victoria Hospital's Social Service Department (file 1052), are productions of member organizations.

Montreal Council of Social Agencies

Projects and Task Forces

While MCSA documents earlier sometimes construed the term "project" so generally as to encompass virtually any activity in the social welfare field (see, for example, the statement on the Council Program, 1941-1954: file 206), no identifiable Projects and Task Forces Series existed until the 1956 New Areas Recreation Project relocation of the old inner city Iverley Community Centre to the rapidly growing post-war suburb of St. Laurent (files 816 and 1192) . This series, which proliferated in the 1960s, is the most socially activist and even politically radical in the implications of the programmes some of its documents promote. It is also the most ambiguous to the extent that, because of the vagaries of the MCSA's filing practices and assignment of titles, in some cases it is unclear as to precisely what project (though not which task force) a given file pertains.

The largest series, Projects and Task Forces in general reflects a change in mood from the comparative conservatism of the 1950s and, while still providing traditional services like research, deals more concertedly in consumer and tenant advocacy, and self-help and Dhands on D community involvement, including the encouragement of citizens' and other pressure groups. Moreover, though the participation of the Council and its members in and with other organizations had always been a matter of course, in Projects and Task Forces this involvement, especially in the last half decade or so of the institution's existence, sometimes took the form of the MCSA role and identity becoming submerged, almost marginal. In important fields like housing and urban redevelopment, and the coordination of efforts to alleviate and eliminate poverty, the Council would seem to have been losing the initiative and becoming just another player on a wider, and increasingly francophone, welfare team.

Correspondence, briefs, reports, minutes, press clippings and press releases, as well as lists of supporters and mailing lists, are all well represented, but this is the only series to preserve public petitions (these are found in four of the Lower Bus Fares for Senior Citizens files). A substantial portion of the holdings are committees which might otherwise be expected to appear mostly or totally in the Committees Series. However, their original Council inclusion in Projects and Task Forces has been maintained. Noteworthy in this respect are the Committees on Quebec Social Assistance, Housing and Urban Renewal, Greater Montreal Anti-Poverty Coordinating, Pointe St. Charles Coordinating, and Safe Label ... Safe Closure.

The provision of day care for the children of working parents, with -Day Care- appearing in 84 titles as listed, constitutes the largest concentration of data on any subject in this series. But other themes are also numerously addressed.

Member Organizations

Spanning the years 1920-1972, virtually the whole of the Council's existence, this series reflects the rather casual filing system which characterized much of its administration. It is not a listing of full-fledged member agencies exclusively, i.e., only those accredited to regularly send delegates to MCSA assemblies and other meetings. (Authoritative lists of such institutional members, however, dated 1949, 1966 and 1971 may be found, amongst other locations, in files 1136, 879 and 30 respectively). Rather, Member Organizations· presents records as they pragmatically accumulated in that series in the course of business and inclusion generally means that application for membership was made, though in a few instances not speedily or even ever endorsed by the Admissions Committee or accepted by the required two-thirds vote of the Board of Governors.

But again, the MCSA did not practice a rigid consistency in these matters. For instance, because of suspected irregularities in services and finances, Christian Homes for Children (file 643) never gained Council membership despite its wish to do so, and it indeed appears in Administrative Records rather than Member Organizations. So, too, does the Cecil Butters Memorial Horne (file 644), though it was a member in spirit and the MCSA and Welfare Federation worked on amiable and cooperative terms with the institution; there was, however, perhaps geographical logic in not formalizing its membership in view of the horne's far removed location at Austin, in the Eastern Townships. On the other hand, while the Association of Leisure Time Services was also omitted from printed membership lists, it occupied the same Red Feather Services Building (1040 Atwater Avenue) as the MCSA and operated under Red Feather-MCSA auspices. It is included in the Member Organization Series.

Member Organizations has one of the widest scope and content ranges of any series, with files holding anything from a single document, usually a membership application (for instance, the Eastern Association of Baptist Churches, file 32), to the more than fifty years' association revealed by the Montreal Diet Dispensary (file 85). Yet, while the Travellers' Aid Society covers something less than half the chronology of the Diet Dispensary, its six files provide one of the fullest looks at the actual-day-to-day operations of any member in the series. In general, a high proportion of Member Organizations not only feature such related basics as their constitutions, letters patent, by-laws and initial annual reports with financial statements (required to be submitted with applications to the Council); but also correspondence, MCSA special committee reports on the agency or its field of endeavour, and relevant newsletters, brochures or pamphlets. Some also provide copies of their own submissions to government, or Federation and Red Feather Budget Committees.

Financial Records

This is the smallest series. Indeed, while a few scattered items in Administrative Records and Committees (for example, files 262, 454, 543, 770 and 858) deal in varying degrees with budgets, grants or other aspects of finance, only twenty-one files, representing the years 1962-1972, comprise the MCSA Financial Records Series in the McGill University Archives. However, Financial Federation and Welfare Federation data for earlier periods, as well as further important documentation of the United Red Feather Services' role, remain in the holdings of Centraide, 493 Sherbrooke Street West. Here can be found financial statements, ledgers, pension records, correspondence, budgets, minutes and related reports which fill in the MCSA picture much more completely.

Nonetheless, the Council Financial Records Series' most complete run of material in the McGill Archives (ten files bearing the title, Budget and United Red Feather Services Budget Committee, each covering a consecutive year, 1962-1971), constitutes a major functional contact between the MCSA and the main source of funding in its last decade. Also of note here are such miscellany as financial statements of the Foster Home Recruiting Centre for 1969 and the Research Department, 1967-1971.

Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, and Institute Proceedings

These files pertain to meetings which the Council, its representatives and member agencies sponsored or otherwise attended, or, in a few cases, simply considered of sufficient importance to retain a record thereof. Their venue was normally Montreal i if they transpired elsewhere the location and/or auspices is generally indicated in the file title. With surviving records beginning with a 1946 Community Planning Institute (file 877) and ending in a 1973 Notre Dame de Grace Conference on the Quality of Life (file 1041), such gatherings ranged from the comparatively structured format of the annual meeting of the Canadian Welfare Council devoted to the general review of activities, to the more informal regime but focused concerns of seminars, workshops and institutes. Geographically, their settings varied from BaieComeau in the east to Vancouver in the west, and from large metropolitan centres to the Laurentian rusticity of Ste. Adele and L'Esterel. Particularly heavily represented here are Community Funds and Councils of Canada meetings and management staff training seminars, 1968-1971. Important to the development and maintenance of personal contacts in the social welfare field as well as the exchange and up-dating of information, this series features proceedings, reports, briefs and correspondence.


Abundant in minutes, reports, correspondence and memoranda, Committees were crucial to the work of the MCSA. In this series, whose surviving documents commence in 1937, may be found the records of the two standing committees - the Executive and the Nominating - of each of the four special interest sections, which along with their respective Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary, administered each section. Also to be found here are the numerous and various special committees created by the relevant section Executive Committee to study, survey or otherwise deal with matters coming to the section's attention: the resulting fruits of their labours are found not only here but also constitute a significant proportion of both the Reports, Studies, Briefs and Surveys Series; and the Publications (MCSA and Member Organizations) Series.

At the very centre of the MCSA's permanent bureaucracy stood the central standing committees (as distinct from the two standing committees, previously alluded to, for each of the four special interest sections). The Committees Series likewise contains the records of these central standing committees: the Executive Committee deputed by the Board of Governors to function in place of the Board between its meetings; and the Planning, Research, Admissions and Standards. Public Information, and Nominating Committees respectively, all also appointed by the Board.

Besides documents generated exclusively by the MCSA, this grouping also holds some of those of joint or other closely affiliated committees, most notably those of the Directors of the Federations and Councils, Welfare Federation of Montreal and United Red Feather Services, Federated Appeal of Greater Montreal, and the Conseil des Oeuvres and its successor, the Conseil de Developpement Social. External committees will be found in other series according to their provenance and function.

Annual Meetings and Annual Reports

In general documenting the annual conference and public accounting of activities held after the close of the fiscal year, this series consists of MCSA records only, i.e., those generated by or for the institution's central bureaucracy; and, in a single instance (file 1094), an address delivered at the annual meeting of a member agency, the John Howard Society. Where the MCSA was itself closely affiliated with, or a member of, an external organization but the latter was not a member of the MCSA -- for example, the Canadian Mental Health Association or the Canadian Welfare Council -- the foregoing's annual meetings are in the Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Institute Proceedings Series. The annual reports of functionally farther removed external organizations -- for instance, the Arctic Institute of North America or the Canadian Research Centre for Anthropology -- are in the Subject Files Series.

In the early years a few gaps exist in the MCSA records of annual meetings and annual reports. However, extant holdings represent 1924-1925 and 1931-1972. Though sparse compared to later standards, annual reports from the first usually included statements to the public and the Council membership made at annual meetings by the President, Executive Director, Executive Secretary, and heads of the four major Divisions (later Sections); but sometimes not all of these features are present and if there was an annual meeting, it does not seem to have been recorded. Of particular interest to students of the Depression may be the 1931- 1933 Annual Report of the Special Committee on Unemployment (file 997).

By the early 1960s, however, reflecting an increase in the amount, complexity, and professionalization of MCSA activities, files in this series have substantially expanded. They contain: invitations to member delegates and non-member political figures and welfare officials; agendas; logistics; dinner menus; minutes of the last annual meeting; and reports by the President, Chairman, Executive Director and/or Associate Executive Director, and Honorary Treasurer. Also included are amendments to the Constitution and by-laws, the report of the Nominating Committee and the election of Directors, the appointment of auditors for the next fiscal year, and addresses by guest dignitaries or visiting officials of other welfare organizations. In later years these files invariably contain the minutes of the last general meeting, and often of the current year, too. As of 1969 the fall meeting and annual meeting become virtually the same thing, being held the same day and place, the annual meeting taking perhaps an hour in
the morning for the presentation of executive and administrative reports with the afternoon devoted to the fall conference's addresses, papers, panel discussions and workshops. Most of this series is understandably serious in style as well as subject, but a lighter note was hit by Constance Lethbridge at the 1956 annual meeting with her production of Progress Through Planning and Leadership: An Illustrative Musical Playlet (file 803).

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