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American Osler Society Fonds Subseries
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The Oslerian

Subseries consists of one file containing the American Osler Society newsletter, The Oslerian and accompanying material sent as mail-outs to members, including letters to members and reprints of articles and essays published by members or of interest to Oslerians and historians of medicine.

Includes the following accompanying documents and pamphlets:
“Advancing Medical Professionalism: I. Our Public Image” Editorial in The Journal of South Carolina Medical Association, Vol. 100, 2004

“Advancing Medical Professionalism: II. One Size Does Not Fit All” Editorial in The Journal of South Carolina Medical Association, Vol. 100, 2004

American Osler Society: Planned Giving and Endowment Fund

Anderson, Karl E. et al. “Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Treatment
Of the Acute Porphyrias.” Annals of Internal Medicine.

Barlow Society for the History of Medicine. Bibliography of the Writings of
Dr. George Dock. 1950.

Bryan, Charles S. et al. Medical Ethics and Professionalism: A Synopsis for Students and Residents. 2004

Bryan, Charles S. “‘The great Brahmin among them’: William Osler’s (1849-1919) perspective on Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-94).” Journal of Medical
Biography, Vol. 18, 2010

Bryan, Charles S. and Scott H. Posolsky. “Dr. Holmes at 200—The Spirit of Skepticism” New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 361, No. 9, 2009

Bryan, Charles S. and Alison M. Babelay. “Building Character: A Model for ReflectivePractice” Academic Medicine, Vol. 84, No. 9, 2009

Bryan, Charles S. “Some of my Teachers: Farewell Address to First-Year Students (and Introductory Lecture on Professionalism) at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine” August 19,2008

Bryan, Charles S. “Limbic War and the Little Girl in Baghdad” Kosmos Club, December 11, 2007

Bryan, Charles S., Theresa J. Call, and Kevin C. Elliott. “The Ethics of Infection Control: Philosophical Frameworks” Infectious Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Vol. 28, No. 9, 2007

Bryan, Charles S., Sandra W. Moss, and Richard J. Kahn. “Yellow fever in the
Americas” Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, Vol. 18, 2004

Doll, Sir Richard. “The Evolution of the Controlled Trial” The 18th John P. McGovern Award Lecture, delivered May 23, 2003 at the 33rd meeting of the AOS, Edinburgh, Scotland

Farquhar, Donald and Jock Murray. “Medical Humanities: A New Section for CJGIM” and the recipients of the CISM Osler Awards 2007, Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2007

Fred, Herbert L. “Maxwell Myer Wintrobe: New History and a New Appreciation” Texas Heart Institute Journal, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2007

Golden, Richard L. “Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) and the nucleus of Darkschewitsch: a discursive commentary” Journal of Medical Biography, Vol. 17, 2009

Golden, Richard L. “William Osler, Urolithiasis, and God’s Own Medicine” Urology, Vol. 74, No. 3, 2009

Haburchak, David R., Bradford C. Mitchell, and Craig J. Boomer. “Quixotic Medicine: Physical and Economic Laws Perilously Disregarded in Health Care and Medical Education” Academic Medicine, Vol. 83, No. 12, 2008

Hudson, Robert P. “Medical history without medicine” The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha, Vol. 67, No. 1, 2004

Lawson, Barbara and Miller, Pamela. “Sleeping Sickness and the Colonial Encounter: J.L. Todd, William Osler and the McGill Connection.”

Liveanu, Andrei. “A McGill Update to Osler’s Bedside Books List.” MJM, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2009

Ludmerer, Kenneth M., M.D. Reflections on American Education. Delivered on April 18, 2001 at the Thirty-First Meeting of the American Osler Society,
Charleston, South Carolina.

McAlister, Chryssa N., T. Jock Murray, and Charles E. Maxner. “The Halifax Explosion of 1917: the oculist experience” The Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 43, No.1, 2008

Murray, Jock. “Medicine in Alexandre Dumas père’s The Count of Monte Cristo” 2002

Murray, T. Jock. “Read any good books lately?” MJM Vol. 12 No. 1 2009

Murray, Jock. “The farmer, his neuropathic pain and the cow fence” Practical Neurology, Vol.8, 200

Murray, Jock. “Professionalism: Use It or Lose It” The Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2007

Murray, TJ. “Robert Carswell: The First Illustrator of MS.” The International MS Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2009

Murray, T. Jock. “Read any good books lately?” MJM Vol. 12 No. 1 2009

Murray, Jock. “Thanks to Our Reviewers” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2007

Nation, Earl F. Cushing-Camac Correspondence: Collected and Annotated.
April 2005

“One Snake or Two? Thoughts on the Symbols of Medicine” The Journal of South Carolina Medical Association, Vol. 100, 2004

Osler, Sir William. Man’s Redemption of Man: A Lay Sermon, McEwan Hall Edinburgh, Sunday July 2, 1910. With preface and annotations by Lawrence D. Longo.

Partin, Jr., Clyde. “Sir William Osler as an Athlete: An Under-examined Facet of his Life.” Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia. Winter 2002.

Pierach, Claus A. “Failure” BMJ, Vol. 327, 2003

Pierach, Claus A. “Rhythmus, Arrhythmie und Lernen: Dank und Gedanken an Franz Halberg” 2008

Pierach, Claus A. “Sterne und Streifen: Ein Bad Nauheimer in Amerika” 2007

Roland, Charles G. M.D. On the Need for a New Biography of Sir William
Osler. (Presidential Address, Philadelphia, 29 April 1987) (see P125/P Charles Roland Correspondence for recollections of the beginnings of the AOS and the Key? By Palmer Futcher, Fred B Rogers, Earl F. Nation, 1994).

Rosenberg, Charles E. “Managed Fear: Contemplating Sickness in an Era of Bureaucracy and Chronic Disease” The 23rd John P. McGovern Award Lectureship, delivered May 5, 2008 at the 38th Meeting of the American Osler Society, Boston, Mass.

Sharma, O. P. “Shushaku Endo (1923-1996): his tuberculosis and his writings” Postgrad Medical Journal, Vol. 82, 2006

Silverman, Mark E. “Paul Beeson & the Rules for Visiting Men at Grady Hospital” Atlanta Medicine, Vol. 77, Issue 2

Silverman, Mark E. M.D., FRCP. “The Tradition of the Gold-Headed Cane.” The
Pharos. Winter 2007.

Silverman, Mark E. and Charles B. Upshaw, Jr. “Extracardiac Manifestations of Infective Endocarditis and Their Historical Descriptions” The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 100, 2007

Silverman, Mark E. “Charles J. B. Williams: English Pioneer in Auscultation” Clinical Cardiology, Vol. 30, 2007

Silverman, Mark E. “De Motu Cordis: the Lumleian Lecture of 1616: An imagined playlet concerning the discovery of the circulation of blood by William Harvey” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Vol. 100, 2007

Silverman, Mark E. and Arthur Hollman. “Discovery of the sinus node by Keith and Flack: on the centennial of their 1907 publication” Heart, Vol. 93, 2007

Silverman, Mark E. and Charles F. Wooley. “A History of the Heart” in Hurst’s: The Heart, ed. Valentin Fuster, R. Wayne Alexander, and Robert A. O’Rourke. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Stone, Marvin J. “Historical Review: William Osler’s Legacy and His Contribution to Haematology” British Journal of Haematology, Vol. 123, No. 1, 2003

Swick, Herbert M. “Viewpoint: Professionalism and Humanism Beyond the Academic Health Center” Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 11, 2007

Vender Veer Jr., Joseph B. “Lister and Osler: Comparisons, Contrasts, and
Connections.” American College of Surgeons, 2003.

Verghese, Abraham. “Touching Where it Hurts: The Role of Bedside Examination” The 22nd John P. McGovern Award Lectureship, delivered May 1, 2007 at the 37th meeting of the AOS, Montreal, QC.

Watt, Steven and Miller, Pamela. “Osler’s McGill: Medical Education from 1770-1880.”

Weisse, Allen B. “The Phoenix Phenomenon in medical research” The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, 2008

Weisse, Allen B. “The Medical History society of New Jersey at Twenty
Five.” Medical History Society of New Jersey Newsletter. 25.1 ( 2005): 2-6.

Weisse, Allen B. “Arthur C. Guyton, M.D.” Clinical Cardiology, Vol. 31, 2008

Weisse, Allen B. “A Fond Farewell to the Foxglove? The Decline in the Use of Digitalis” Journal of Cardiac Failure, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2010

Weisse, Allen B. “The Surgical Treatment of Mitral Stenosis: The First Heart Operation” The American Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 103, 2009.

Wooley, Charles F. “Proc, Dr. Sam, Uncle Henry, and The “Little Green
Book.” American Heart Hospital Journal. 3 (2005): 8-13.

Wooley, Charles F. “The Royal Victoria Hospital at Netley, England.”
American Heart Hospital Journal. 2 (2004): 116-118.

Wooley, Charles F. M.D. “Profiles in Cardiology.” Clinical Cardiology. 30 (2007): 257-259.

Wright, James R. “Sins of Our Fathers: Two of The Four Doctors and Their Roles in the Development of Techniques to Permit Covert Autopsies.” Arch Pathol Lab Med. Vol. 133, December 2009.

Charles S. Bryan Albums

Subseries consists of albums containing copies of The Oslerian newsletter; photographs of members from annual meetings; and programs and abstract booklets from annual meetings prepared and arranged chronologically into albums by Bryan. Consists of two files

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