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A. T. Lane Collection

  • MSG 1352
  • Collection
  • 1894

The collection contains materials related to a bicycle relay ride between Sarnia, Ontario, and Montreal, Quebec, held June 15-16, 1894 by the Canadian Wheelmen's Association (CWA) under its president, A. T. Lane, an early importer of bicycles to Canada who is credited by many contemporary sources as the first person to ride a high wheel bicycle in North America. The relay ride was organised as a promotional event for the CWA's annual meet, hosted in Montreal that year. The collection contains a newspaper article from the Toronto Mail (June 16, 1894) detailing the route and listing the participants, as well as a leather travel satchel used to carry a congratulatory letter to the president of the Canadian Wheelman's Association to be signed by the mayors of the cities and towns along the route. The satchel is embossed with the text: "Sarnia to Montreal relay ride, 1894." The collection also contains a published programme from the CWA annual meet, entitled, "Our city and our sports : souvenir and official programme of the 12th annual meet of the Canadian Wheelmen's Association, Montreal, July 1894."

Lane, A. T.

Abraham Aaron Roback Papers

  • CA RBD MSG 669
  • Collection
  • 1912-1956

Collection consists of correspondence from J.W.A. Hickson between 1912 and 1956.

Roback, A. A. (Abraham Aaron), 1890-1965

AIDS Collection

  • CA OSLER P177
  • Collection
  • 1981-2009

The fonds includes a collection of AIDS activism materials, with an emphasis on its manifestation in Canada's visual art world, through the collections of Mr. John A. Schweitzer and others. Several of the documents have been signed by either John A. Schweitzer or Robert Mapplethorpe. The materials in the collection include posters, press releases, conference programs, exhibition catalogues, exhibition invitations, exhibition ephemera, programs, brochures, tear-sheets, auction catalogues, and reviews.

Schweitzer, John A., 1952-

Algonquin and Nipissing Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 317
  • Collection
  • 1831-1880

This collection consists of twelve documents concerning the settlement of the Algonquin and Nipissing First Nations at Oka, Quebec, some in Anishinaabemowin, 1831-1853. There are also letters and documents mostly addressed to N. O. Greene, a solicitor and activist, concerning the Indigenous communities of Oka, 1878-1880.

ALS Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 1215
  • Collection
  • 1775-1977

The collection consists of autographed signed letters from multiple senders, representing authors, artists, politicians, and other figures from Canada and Europe. The letters were accumulated by the Rare Books and Special Collections unit of the McGill Library over many years and assembled into the collection.

American College of Mechano-Therapy Collection

  • CA OSLER P209
  • Collection
  • 1909-1913

Collection consists of correspondence, mail-order course prospectus entitled, “How to Become a Mechano-Therapist,” and 30 instructional pamphlets comprising the correspondence course. Also includes reprint from the Journal of the American Medical Association debunking the College. Final file contains provenance records and information about the College and its founder compiled by donor. Framed diploma from the College is also included (Osler ART 101).

American College of Mechano-Therapy

Archibald Chaussegros de Léry Macdonald Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 439
  • Collection
  • 1633-1871

The collection contains business and family correspondence, land grants, financial and judicial records, etc. of the seigneurial families Chartier de Lotbinière, Rigaud de Vaudreuil, Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, Lemoyne de Longueuil, Lambert Dumont, Chaussegros de Léry, Hertel, Harwood, and of allied families. Much of the material concerns the Seigneurie de Vaudreuil. Other material include correspondence (1809-1821) with Joseph Bouchette; extracts from the registers (1667, 1732) of the Conseil Souverain and the Conseil Superieur; and documents concerning Newton Township, the Seigneurie des Mille-Iles.

Macdonald, Archibald Chaussegros de Léry, 1862-1939

B. C. Robson Collection

  • CA OSLER P206
  • Collection
  • June-September 1930

Consists of a notebook Robson kept as a student at the Banting Research Institute at the University of Toronto from June to September, 1930. The notebook comprises over 60 manuscript pages, plus 31 manuscript pages attached to the end, 1 loose leaf of manuscript medical notes, approximately 50 ink drawings of various sizes of experiments, 26 black and white photographs pasted in, including a photograph of Sir Frederick Grant Banting in his office, the Banting Research Institute and its faculty, and experiment apparatuses. Also includes 13 mimeographed pages (pasted in) containing 12 different experiments, the printed programme for the formal opening of the Banting Institute on 16 September 1930, and 9 newspaper clippings pasted in related to the opening of the Institute.

Robson, B. C.

Bancroft Collection of Pacific Coast Manuscripts

  • CA RBD MSG 324
  • Collection
  • approximately 1806-1879

The typescripts are arranged into four series. A: manuscripts related to Oregon; B: manuscripts related to Washington; C: manuscripts related to Canada and particularly British Columbia; C: manuscript related to the history of Oregon and the fur trade.

In series C, of particular interest are the first and second journal of Simon Fraser, 1806, 1808; the voyages of the ship Columbia, 1787-1789; and the journal of John Work, Chief Factor, Hudson’s Bay Company, Astoria, 1824-1834.

Bancroft Library

Blacker-Wood Correspondence Collection

  • CA RBD MSG BW006
  • Collection
  • 1800-1979

The collection consists primarily of correspondence on natural history topics between scientists and natural historians. Letters are sometimes accompanied by journal articles.

Figures with significant correspondence within the collection include: Casey Albert Wood, Henry Mousley, Robert Ridgway, and Bowdler Sharpe.

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