A dispatch from the Governor-General to Sir J. Keane
- CA RBD MSG 315-14-20
- File
- 8 December 1838
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
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A dispatch from the Governor-General to Sir J. Keane
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
A dispatch from the Governor-General to Sir J. Keane
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
Copy of a dispatch from the Governor-General to Sir J. Kane, K.C.B., G.C.H appointing the latter to the command of the army in place of Sir Henry Fane, and issuing instructions for the support of the efforts of Shah Shujah Ool Moolk to re-establish his sovereignty in Afghanistan in opposition to Dost Mahomed Khan and the Chief's of Kandahar: also a copy of a despatch to W.H. Macnaughton, Envoy and Minister at the Court of Shah Shuja, containing instructions regarding policy and actions to be adopted in supporting Shah Shujah on his return to Afghanistan.
A draft memorandum of the Governor-General
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
A draft memorandum of the Governor-General concerning details of barracks to be constructed for European troops, the comparative salubrity and expense between stations in the hills and the plains and proposal for posting European regiments from certain stations in the plains to the hills; also a letter dated 24 October from W. Garden at Simla including a sketch showing the relative positions of hill stations and places eligible for locating European troops and giving his remarks thereon
A letter from Government of India
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
Copy of a letter from military department of Government of India at Simla to the military department of the same at Calcutta, giving the Governor-General's instructions on several points connected with Madras troops serving in the Bengal Presidency, submitted by the Government of Fort St.George
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
Copy of letter from Lord Auckland, Governor General, to Sir Henry Fane, Commander-in-Chief, in answer to a proposal from the latter to brigade the European regiments together, and strongly dissenting from this proposal
A revised scale of wound pensions
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
Copies of letters and memoranda concerning a revised scale of wound pensions for the Sepoys of the three presidencies
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
Addresses and answers from and to Launceston (1846), Calcutta (1847), and Madras (1848); addresses from the City of London and the Freedom of the City (1846)
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers
Part of Sir Arthur Henry Hardinge Papers