McGill Library
McLennan Library Building3459 rue McTavish
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 0C9
A. A. Mackay Fonds
3 cm of textual records.
Dr. Agret A. Mackay, after completing his secondary school education at Montreal High School, entered the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University from which he graduated in 1913. Following two years' internship at the Royal Victoria Hospital, he went overseas with the 42nd Battalion, Black Watch (R.H.R.) of Canada as senior medical officer. On his return to Montreal, Dr. Mackay entered private practice as a neuropsychiatrist and became medical director of the M.A.A.A. He was consultant in neurology at the Montreal General and Verdun Protestant Hospitals, as well as being medical director of the Montreal Forum in which capacity he was club physician to the Montreal Maroons, and later the Canadiens. (Canadian Medical Association Journal v. 63, pg. 415, 1950)
Old accession number 936.
Fonds documents A.A. Mackay's medical activities at No. 2 C.C.S. (Casualty Clearing Station) in 1917. The fonds contains two army books of correspondence of Field Service in which case reports are recorded.
The documents are in English.
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