Notes by Dr. Nicholls from a course taken at Brooklyn Polytechnical Institute on "High Polymers"
Notes by Dr. Nicholls from a course taken at Brooklyn Polytechnical Institute on "High Polymers"
Notes by Dr. Nicholls from "Chemistry S" at McGill Graduate School
Notes by Dr. Nicholls from "Chemistry S" at McGill Graduate School
Text on "Carbohydrate Chemistry" prepared by Dr. John Honeyman, Hibbert Research Fellow at McGill
Text on "Carbohydrate Chemistry" prepared by Dr. John Honeyman, Hibbert Research Fellow at McGill
Lecture notes taken by Dr. Nicholls while an undergraduate student: course in Inorganic Chemistry, Chem. 6, session
Lecture notes taken by Dr. Nicholls while an undergraduate student: course in Inorganic Chemistry, Chem. 6, session
Course in Historical Chemistry by Prof. Barnes, Chem. 9
Course in Historical Chemistry by Prof. Barnes, Chem. 9
Course in History of Modern Philosophy by Prof. Hendel, Phil. 4
Course in History of Modern Philosophy by Prof. Hendel, Phil. 4
Course in Colloid Chem. by Prof. Steacie, Chem. 15
Course in Colloid Chem. by Prof. Steacie, Chem. 15
Course in Chem. Kinetics, by Prof. E.W.R. Steacie, Chem N
Course in Chem. Kinetics, by Prof. E.W.R. Steacie, Chem N
Course in Qualitative Analysis by Prof. N.N. Evans, Chem. 3A
Course in Qualitative Analysis by Prof. N.N. Evans, Chem. 3A
Course in Gen. Biochemistry by Prof. D.L. Thompson, Biochem 1
Course in Gen. Biochemistry by Prof. D.L. Thompson, Biochem 1