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Letter, 2 September

  • 0062
  • Item
  • 2 September

Letter from Wilson family to Margaret Mercer Dawson.


  • A5
  • Subseries
  • 1975, 2008

This sub series contains a wedding transcript (1975) and 1 DVD (My Messy Life, 2008).


  • C3
  • Subseries
  • 1996, 2007-2009

This subseries documents public addresses outside of the World Religions after September 11 Conference and contains Invading the Sacred: 2007 book launch (2 DVDs); an interview filmed during India Independence day in Ottawa (1996, 1 DVD); and a Samboth Society 2009 Inaugural Address video (2 DVDs).

Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds

  • CA CAC 1
  • Fonds
  • 1893-1960

The Nobbs fonds consists of the work of Percy Erskine Nobbs, George Taylor Hyde, Nobbs and Hyde, Nobbs and Valentine, and Nobbs and Nobbs. 526 projects are documented in the Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds. Architectural drawings form the core of the fonds, providing a comprehensive listing of the drawings by Percy Nobbs and his associates. Arranged chronologically, the inventory reflects respectively the development of the partnerships Nobbs and Hyde (1910-1944), Nobbs and Valentine (1945-1950), and Nobbs and Nobbs (1950-1960). Hugh A. I. Valentine worked only briefly with Nobbs, spending the bulk of his career with the Bell Telephone Company of Canada. His commissioned drawings and student notebooks cannot be directly related to his work with Nobbs, but are nonetheless described in subfonds 8. Subfonds 6 and 7 describe Percy Nobbs's personal papers and three-dimensional objects designed by him which are in the Canadian Architecture Collection.

Nobbs, Percy E. (Percy Erskine), 1875-1964

Architectural drawings and other papers of Percy Nobbs and his associates

The subfonds consists primarily drawings ranging in date from Nobbs' early student projects and competition drawings, to designs for McGill University buildings such as the McGill University Union Building and MacDonald Engineering Building, and designs for domestic and ecclesiastical architecture in Montreal (1897-1957). Non-architectural drawings (1898-1957) include studies of ironwork, a drawing of Rouen in France, designs for the Royal Arms of Canada, a letterhead for the R.C.A.F., a war memorial for the Town of Mount Royal, a medallion for the Shawinigan Water and Power Company and a silver dollar for the Royal Canadian Mint.

"Dessins architecturaux, 1897-1957, 471 dessins". Dessins allant des projets d'étudiant et des dessins de concours de Nobbs jusqu'aux plans réalisés pour le compte de l'Université McGill comme l'édifice University Union et le pavillon MacDonald de génie ainsi que des plans d'immeubles à vocation résidentielle ou ecclésiastique à Montréal.
"Autres dessins, 1898-1957, 149 dessins". Dessins non architecturaux, notamment des croquis de fer forgé, un dessin de Rouen (France), des projets pour les Armoiries royales du Canada, d'en-tête de lettre pour l'Armée de l'air canadienne, un monument aux morts pour la ville de Mont-Royal, un médaillon pour la Shawinigan Water and Power Company et un dollar en argent pour la Monnaie royale canadienne.

Student Drawings of P.E. Nobbs

File consists of 35 measured drawings: --Unidentified details of contours (1) --Elevations, sections and plans of St. Athernase, Leuchars, Fife (5) --Tomb of children of Charles VIII, Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh (1) --Cornice of stone chimneypiece, Petinelli Palace, Padua (1) --Vaulting over entrance to Quadrangle, University of Edinburgh (1) --Elevations, section, plan and details of Whitekirk, Haddingtonshire and St. Mary, Haddington (3) --Elevations, section, plan and details of Register House, Edinburgh (2) --Elevations, sections and plan at south aisle, Holyrood Chapel (4) --Doorway of Chapter House, Lincoln Cathedral (2) --Stalls in Southwold Church, Suffolk (3) --Unidentified elevation and plans of clock tower (1) --Cast of sarcophagus of Carlo Marsuppini, Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh (1) --Foliage, Beverley [Minster] (1) --Details of Wayside Chapel, Houghton Le Dale, Norfolk (3) --Unidentified foliated freize, Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh (1) --French 13th-century foliated capitals (4) --Soffit of window in hall, Hengrave Hall (1)

Proposal of Cottage for Dr. Adami

File consists of presentation drawings for cottage (with ground and attic floors, 10 bedrooms; stone; wood; wall bearing). Drawings feature north and south elevations, ground and bedroom floors, section.

Proposal of House for E. Rutherford

File consists of architectural drawings for urban house (detached, basement, 2 floors, attic, 5 bedrooms); wood; roughcast; wall bearing. Includes 1 presentation drawing (ground and bedroom floor plans, north, south and west elevations), 9 development drawings (floor plans, elevations, section), and 1 record drawing (floor plans, elevations).

Decoration of Christ Church Cathedral

File consists of architectural drawings of church, including 1 development drawing (nave ceiling panels) and 3 detail drawings (lettering, marblework, fittings). Also includes 1 photograph of finished interior.

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