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Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919
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Michael Bliss Fonds

  • CA OSLER P129
  • Fonds
  • [1997?]-1999

The fonds contains the manuscript of his book William Osler : A Life in Medicine.

Bliss, Michael, 1941-2017

Letter to William Osler, October 6, 1972

Letter to William Osler from Robert Palmer Howard, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Howard knows that Osler would have preferred to teach Practical Physiology than Botany. He hopes Osler understands that the offer of the Chair of Botany was made by McGill in an attempt to develop a connection between Osler and the University. McGill is so poor and needy that it could not fund a lectureship in Practical Physiology at present. He advises Osler to concentrate on general practice and to obtain a degree from the F.R.C.S. in Edinburgh.

Howard, Robert Palmer, 1823-1889

Letter to William Osler, January 21, 1967

Letter to William Osler from J.C. (Jemmy) Morgan, Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Jemmy describes his trip to Dundas, where he met the Oslers, Mr. Hatt and Mr. Young. He reports on the Weston School and students that have recently passed away. Includes manuscript notes.

Morgan, J.C. (Jemmy)

Letter to William Osler, April 2, 1967

Letter to William Osler from Arthur Jukes Johnson, Trinity College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Johnson has sent Osler bone specimens. He has been working very hard studying classics, but is anxious to study medicine. He saw Charlie Locke.

Johnson, Arthur Jukes

Letter, 17 October 1919

Letter from L.R. Phelps, Oriel College, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, to William Osler. Phelps asks Osler to donate money for "the body and soul" of Dr. R.T. Elliott.

Phelps, L.R.

Letter, May 4, 1919

Letter from Geoffrey Keynes, Darnall's Hall, Weston, Stevenage, England, to William Osler. Keynes is glad that Osler enjoyed his pamphlet on Elizabeth Lyttelton's Commonplace Book. He will send a pamphlet to the Bodleian Library and to Professor Monro [D.B. Munro?].

Keynes, Geoffrey, 1887-1982

Letter to William Osler, January 28, 1919

Letter to William Osler from John George Adami, Pembroke House, 133 Oxford Street, London, England. Suggests that his "Policy of the Ostrich" paper would make a perfect pamphlet for the public. Asks Osler's opinion on the matter and if he has any desire to do propaganda work by pamphlets. Mentions his difference of views with Osler's in the matter of prophylactic treatment.

Adami, J. George (John George), 1862-1926

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