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Charles Lewis Fonds
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Printed scripture booklet

A printed scripture booklet, 1831, on front written JOHN REED, very faint writing follows, appears dated writing 1833. Relation unknown, except for the above John Reed (related through Mrs. Lewis?).

Certificate, Apothecaries Hall, Dublin

Certificate of the Governor, Deputy Governor and directors of … having this day examined Charles Lewis of Killarney in the county of Kerry think him properly educated to be apprenticed to the profession of an apothecary.

Indenture of apprenticeship

Indenture of apprenticeship between Charles Lewis, his father John Lewis (giving consent) and Owen Cashell McDermott, Apothecary, all of Killarney in the county of Kerry. Further endorsed "Enrolled at Apothecaries Hall 9 April 1845", and further, highly endorsed as to character and work record, by McDermott, signed 20 September 1847.

Certificates, Apothecaries Hall, London

Certificates to be obtained by those students to whom the regulations of the 23rd of April, 1835 are applicable… (records the teachers, subject, and standing in courses-a sort of running report card). Includes 13 full entries.


Testimonial, Clinical Class at Mercers Hospital, Dublin, during sessions 1849 and 1850: "was honorably distinguished on account of the zeal and ability displayed by him." Signed with seal.

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