APPC Agendas (Academic Policy and Planning Committee)
- CA MUA MG 4292-9-legacy box 32f32-7
- File
- 1997-1998
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APPC Agendas (Academic Policy and Planning Committee)
Committees List - University Affairs Committees (PGSS Representatives)
P & P Reports by Reps (APPC PGSS Reports, Academic Policy and Planning Committee)
P & P Documents (APPC, Academic Policy and Planning Committee - with PGSS involvement)
APPC Agendas (Academic Policy and Planning Committee)
McGill School of the Environment (MSE - Congress)
CUP (Commission des universités sur les programmes)
Committee Positions to be Filled (PGSS Representatives on University Committees)
University Senate Committee Hearing on the Quebec Protestant Education Survey Report
Part of Sir Arthur Currie Collection