- CA CAC 1-1-39
- File
- March 1936-August 1936
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of 2 development drawings (tablet) and 5 detail drawings (heraldry, lettering) for memorial tablet.
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Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of 2 development drawings (tablet) and 5 detail drawings (heraldry, lettering) for memorial tablet.
Adams' Memorial Tablet for Christ Church Cathedral
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of drawings for memorial tablet, including 3 development drawings (lettering, tablet) and 3 detail drawings (tablet, lettering).
Addition and Alteration to Cottage of Miss Violet Haswell
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of architectural drawings for cottage (addition: servant's bedroom; wood; wall bearing), including:
1 working drawing: floor plan, elevation
1 detail drawing: dormer
Addition and Alteration to Cottage of Ross Clarkson
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of architectural drawings for cottage (addition: 2 floors, pantry, coat room, lavatory and bathrooms; wood; wall bearing), including 6 development drawings (floor plans, elevations), 1 working drawing (floor plans, elevations), and 1 detail drawing (lettering).
Addition and Alteration to House of Dr. A.S. Eve
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
Urban house.
1 development drawing: verandah
4 detail drawings: balcony, steps, woodwork (including verandah)
Addition and Alteration to House of Dr. W.G.M. Byers
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of architectural drawings for urban house (addition: sunroom; brick; wall bearing), including:
1 development drawing: plan, elevation, details
1 working drawing: plan, elevation, details
3 detail drawings: window, grate, doors
Addition and Alteration to Royal Garage
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of architectural drawings for commercial parking garage (addition: 7th and 8th floors; brick; concrete frame), including:
3 working drawings: floor plans, roof plan, elevations
7 detail drawings: brickwork, arches, ironwork, sills, roof house, chimney stack and cope, store room
2 shop drawings: windows
5 consultant drawings: floor plans, roof plan, brackets
Addition and Alterations to Birks Factory
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of architectural drawings for factory (addition: top floor; brick; steel frame), including:
2 development drawings: floor plans, roof plan, elevation, section
1 working drawing: floor plans, elevations, section
1 detail drawing; windows, roof cornice
Addition and Alterations to Boys' Farm and Training School
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
Farm and private school.
2 survey drawings: landscape plan, survey map
2 measured drawings: property survey
6 sketch drawings: site plan, floor plans, elevations, sections, track field, classrooms
1 presentation drawing: planting scheme
1 development drawing: shingles
8 working drawings: floor plans, roof plan, elevations, sections, track field
3 detail drawings: shingles, verandah
2 consultant drawings: floor plans
1 photograph: 1 other
Addition and Alterations to Cottage of Miss Violet Haswell
Part of Percy Erskine Nobbs Fonds
File consists of architectural drawings for cottage (addition to new study and bedroom; wood; wall bearing), including:
2 measured drawings: floor plan, section
7 development drawings: floor plans, elevations
10 working drawings: floor plans, elevations, study
8 detail drawings: door, dormer, fireplace, eaves, brackets, fittings, hearing plan