This file contains a folder containing material for volunteers helping fundraise for Macdonald Agricultural Campaign. Including "Bulletin" containing talking points for volunteers about the new Macdonald Stewart building and a Macdonald campus map, pamphlet "The technique of soliciting" by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a promotional brochure about Macdonald College, and a larger pamphlet with more detailed information about the Macdonald Agricultural Campaign's goals, also includes architectural drawings of Macdonald Stewart building.
This file contains a programme for Meeting of the Learned Societies of McGill University, including schedule of meetings. A campus map is tucked inside the front cover of the programme.
This file contains a folded sheet describing a walking tour that highlights William Osler's experiences during the time that he spent studying and teaching at McGill, prepared for the 150th anniversary of Osler's birth. Includes photos, map, and satellite image of the area.
This file contains McGill ephemera with campus maps, including a postcard announcing move of Centre for Continuing Education from Strathcona Hall to the Redpath building (ca. 1982), a booklet containing a walking tour of women pioneers at McGill (Oct 1999), a booklet containing a walking tour of McGill (ca. 1980s), and a campus map (1967).