32 találat látható

Marvin Duchow Music Library Sonde Collection
Nyomtatási előnézet Megtekintés:

Sonde Collection

  • CA MDML 021
  • Gyűjtemény
  • 1975-2013

The Sonde Collection provides a thirty-five year span of documentation for a Montreal-based Canadian experimental musical group who were very active electroacoustic composers and performers in the 70s and 80s. Sonde (formerly named MUD, Musical Design), created and played sound sources in Quebec, Canada and Europe. Sonde’s compositions were generally conceived for live performance on original sound sculptures. Using meditative improvisation, the group produced new music with sounds created by electroacoustic amplification and transformation.
The Sonde Collection is divided into 26 series and contains approximately 1,900 items. The majority of the collection consists of correspondence, concert posters and programs, and audio and video recordings. Activities of the Sonde group are described together as Sonde Papers and the activities of Charles de Mestral, a founding member of the group as Charles de Mestral Papers.
In the Sonde Papers, whenever it has been possible to do so, each item is referenced to the events listing, a numbered, chronological listing of events created by the group, entitled: ACTIVITES DU GROUPE SONDE (1975-2010) / Sonde Activities (1975-2010). The Sonde Papers include posters, programmes, scores, photographs, audio and video recordings.
The Charles de Mestral Papers are the personal items of Charles de Mestral, a member of the Sonde group from its inception. Whenever it has been possible to do so, each item is referenced to the events listing entitled: RÉALISATIONS DANS LE DOMAINE DE L’INSTALLATION SONORE (1985-2013, Charles de Mestral) / Sound Installations (1985-2013, Charles de Mestral) a numbered, chronological list of activities of Charles de Mestral. The Charles de Mestral Papers include scores, correspondence, installation plans, clippings, audio recordings and publications.

Cím nélkül

Catalogue of Works

This series consists of various listings of the musical pieces composed by Sonde, including date of composition, composer and date and location of the event where the music was played.

Instrument Plans

This series consists of hand-drawn plans for Sonde’s sound sources.

Programs & Communiques

This series consists of programs and announcements of Sonde events, in event number order.

Festival Programs

This series consists of programs of festivals Sonde participated in.

Audio Recordings

This series consists of audio recordings of Sonde music.


This series consists of scores/instructions for Sonde musical pieces.


This series consists of paper media clippings of events.

Conference Programs

This series consists of programs from conferences Charles de Mestral attended.

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