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Carl Arthur Winkler Fonds
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Carl Arthur Winkler Fonds

  • CA MUA MG3043
  • Fonds
  • 1931-1974

The bulk of these papers are records of research. Drafts of six articles co-authored by Winkler, a number of them on RDX, an explosive, are in some cases accompanied by graphs and correspondence. A file of notes, graphs and reports of research assistants focusses on solution polymerism. There is also a report by Winkler to the Federal Department of Agriculture on bacon (1940), and two draft articles by colleague J.A. Perce. Materials from his student years are also research oriented: his M.Sc. thesis on hydration of bio-colloids, and his Oxford Ph.D. dissertation "The kinetics of gas reactions". Teaching files contain three undergraduate research projects by Winkler's students, and lecture notes for courses in thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. Winkler's writings on non-scientific topics include addresses on the nature of education and the future of the Royal Society of Canada, his obituary of Clifford Purves for the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada (1966), and a diary of a visit to China (1974).

Winkler, Carl A.