McGill Library
McLennan Library Building3459 rue McTavish
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 0C9
Canadian Army, 148th Battalion, 1915-1917
Although not organized under McGill's authority, the 148th Battalion was closely associated with McGill University. The Commanding Officer, Colonel A.A. Magee, had been the Major of, and on active service in, the Officers' Training Corps of the University. Several of its officers and those in the ranks were McGill men. By resolution of Corporation, the 148th Battalion was given for training purposes the use of McGill's buildings and grounds, and was affiliated with the McGill C.O.T.C. Before its departure for overseas, its colours were formally deposited in the Redpath Library. The Battalion, consisting of 32 officers and 953 enlisted men, sailed overseas on 26 September 1916, to be absorbed as reinforcements by units already in the field.