Showing 13542 results

Authority record

Wethered, E.

  • no2006083571
  • Person
  • 1852-1937

Edward Bestbridge Wethered was a Scottish geologist. He was born in 1852 in Maidenhead, Scotland. He married Mary Ellen Wright, daughter of Scottish geologist Thomas Wright. He died in 1937 on the Isle of Wight.

Wetherby, A. G. (Albert Gallatin), 1833-1902

  • Person
  • 1833-1902

Albert Gallatin Wetherby was born in August 1833 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

He was an educator, malacologist, and mineralogist. When he was young, his family moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he received his education. In 1861, he moved to Cincinnati to take the position of Principal at the Cincinnati Woodward High School. His talent in natural history led to his appointment as Professor of Natural History at the new University of Cincinnati in 1870. Wetherby became President of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History and, he also served as the chair of both Botany and Geology at the University. In 1876, being overworked, he reluctantly resigned. For a while, he served as Professor of Malacology at Harvard University. He later settled in Magnetic City, North Carolina, where he pursued his interest in land snails. In 1886, Wetherby became manager of a large tract of land belonging to the Roan Mountain Steel and Iron Company. He published numerous articles and books on fossils and mollusks.

In 1870, he married Mary Frances Voorhees (1852–1920). He died on March 14, 1902, in Magnetic City, North Carolina.

Wetherall, C. A., active 1845

  • Person
  • active 1845

C.A. Wetherall was a soldier stationed in Quebec City in 1845. He held the ranks of Colonel and Deputy Assistant General.

Weston, Thomas Chesmer, 1832-1911

  • no2002019860
  • Person
  • 1832-1911

Thomas Chesmer Weston was born on October 17, 1832, in Birmingham, England.

He was a geologist and paleontologist. He arrived in Montreal, Quebec, in 1859 at the request of Sir William Logan to join the Geological Survey of Canada. He became not only an expert in fossil collecting but also the first Survey librarian. During his 35-year career at the Survey, Weston went on field excursions nearly every summer all over Canada, sometimes to collect minerals but often to find fossils. In 1888, after the discovery of Albertosaurus, he came to Red Deer River Valley to collect dinosaur bones. He was elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of America. In 1899, he published his memoir "Reminiscences Among the Rocks”. Weston School in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is named in his honour.

In 1860, he married Matilda Allen (1837–1903). He died on July 20, 1910 or 1911, in Quebec City, Quebec.

Weston, Henry G. (Henry Griggs), 1820-1909

  • Person
  • 1820-1909

Rev. Henry Griggs Weston was born on October 1, 1820, in Lynn, Massachusetts.

He was a clergyman and educator. He graduated from Brown University in 1840 and Newton Theological Institution in 1842. He moved to Frankfort, Kentucky, where he was ordained a Baptist minister. He spent the next three years doing missionary work in Illinois. He preached in barns and schoolhouses until his pastorate call to Peoria, Illinois, in 1846, where he stayed for thirteen years. He was co-founder of a Baptist newspaper, "The Standard", founder and trustee of Chicago University, and an active supporter of Shurtleff College. In 1859, he became pastor of Oliver Street Baptist Church in New York City. In 1868, he resigned as pastor and accepted the presidency of Crozer Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania, a position he held until his death in 1909. Weston specialized in the interpretation of the Gospels and was a highly regarded teacher of the Bible. He was president of the American Baptist Missionary Union (1872-1873) and editor of the Baptist Quarterly (1869-1877).

In 1845, he married Endamile Chambers Van Meter (1822–1856), and in 1858, he remarried Mary Lovett Peters (1833–1894). He died on February 6, 1909, in Chester, Pennsylvania.

Results 521 to 530 of 13542