Showing 13563 results

Authority record

Mulligan, Gerry

  • Person
  • 1927-1996

Muller, William

  • Person
  • Active 1814-1816

William Muller was a German soldier and tailor who lived in Montreal and Adolphustown. He married Amelia Hall, daughter of Joseph Hall, on 13 February 1814 in Montreal. They had at least one child together. Their relationship deteriorated while Muller away fighting in the War of 1812, with infidelity on Amelia's part, and domestic violence on Muller's. After the war ended, Muller settled in Adolphustown, Upper Canada (close to Kingston), where he worked as a tailor.

Mulgan, J. Mason (James Mason), 1855-1917

  • Person
  • 1855-1917

James Mason Mulgan was born on June 24, 1855, in Edenmore, Magheralin, Northern Ireland.

He was a barrister and educator. He graduated from the Worcester College of the Oxford University (B.A., 1879; M.A., 1884). He was called to the Bar of the Inner Temple in 1882. He was appointed the post of a Headmaster’s assistant, called Composition Master, in the City of London School (1883-1885). In 1885-1886, he became a lecturer in Classical Literature and History at McGill University. He returned to London where he was a schoolmaster and barrister.

In 1885, he married Beatrice Cavan (1862–1937). He died on April 19, 1917, in London, England.

Results 4861 to 4870 of 13563