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Authority record

Goddard, Chris

  • Person
  • 1986-

Goddard, James Stanley, -1795

  • Person
  • -1795

It is unknown where and when James Stanley Goddard was born, but he died in 1795. He was a fur trader established by 1761 in Michilimackinac in the Green Bay area of what is now Wisconsin. In 1766, Goddard, along with Captain James Tute were dispatched by Robert Rogers (1731-1795), the colonial frontiersman, on an expedition that was parallel to that of Jonathan Carver who had been contracted by Rogers to lead an expedition to find a western water route to the Pacific Ocean. In 1775, Goddard led a force of First Nations soldiers to protect Montreal from Americans. The Americans retreated right before Goddard and his troops arrived.

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