Showing 13554 results

Authority record

Wright, Bryce

  • no 99053910
  • Person
  • 1850-1895

Bryce McMurdo Wright was born on January 18, 1850, in Liverpool, England.

He was a mineralogist, conchologist, zoologist, and dealer. In 1875, he took over the business from his father, Bryce McMurdo Wright Sr. (1814-1874), who dealt in minerals, fossils, shells, rocks, gems, corals, and ethnological collectibles. He collected and sold objects to the British Museum and the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford. In 1891, he was charged, tried, and imprisoned for fraud related to obtaining sales advances. He was a Fellow of the Zoological Society, the Royal Geological Society, and the Royal Historical Society.

In 1880, he married Emma Sarah Louisa Crouch (1859–1929) and divorced in 1891. He died on May 25, 1895, in London, England.

Wright, Bruce Haken, 1898-1971

  • Person
  • 1898-1971

Bruce Haken Wright was born in Toronto in 1898 and in 1921 received a B.Sc. in architecture from the University of Toronto. During the 1920s Wright lived in New York City where he worked for the firm of McKim, Mead and White in 1922, for York and Sawyer in 1923, and for Warren and Whetmore in 1924. In 1925 Wright returned to Toronto and set up a partnership with Alvan Sherlock Mathers (1895-1965) and Eric Wilson Haldenby (1893-1971). From 1926 until 1932 Wright practised in partnership with Kenneth Furby Noxon (1900-1979). From 1932 until 1945 he worked independently. In 1946 Wright became the architect-in-chief at the Bank of Montreal and relocated to Montreal to work at the head office of the bank.

Bruce Haken Wright est né à Toronto en 1898. En 1921, il a reçu un B.Sc. en architecture de l'Université de Toronto. Au cours des années 20, Wright a vécu à New York où il a travaillé au cabinet de McKim, Mead et White en 1922, pour York et Sawyer en 1923 et pour Warren et Whetinore en 1924. En 1925, Wright est revenu à Toronto et s'est associé à AIvan Sherlock Mathers (1895-1965) et Eric Wilson Haldenby (1893-1971). De 1926 à 1932, Wright a été associé à Kenneth Furby Noxon (1900-1979). De 1932 à 1945, il a travaillé seul. En 1946, Wright est devenu le premier architecte de la Banque de Montréal et s'est installé à Montréal pour exercer ses activités au siège social de cette banque.

Wright, Berlin H. (Berlin Hart), 1851-

  • no2010030918
  • Person
  • 1851-1940

Berlin Hart Wright was born on July 5, 1851, in Dundee, New York.

He was a geologist, astronomer, archeologist, and cartographer. He attended Penn Yan Academy and, in 1871, he became its professor of mathematics and physical sciences. He began to collect fossils and rocks and completed the first geological survey and map of Yates County. When his father went deaf, he took over his work preparing astronomical calculations for almanacs. In 1883, due to severe arthritis, he started to spend winters in Florida, where he collected various plant species. He sold his collections to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Wright also discovered and named a new mussel. Over his lifetime, he identified fifty new specimens and wrote for almanacs all over the world. He contributed numerous articles to prominent newspapers and scientific journals.

In 1874, he married Loretta Fidelia Mills (1852–1938). He died on November 25, 1940, in Penn Yan, New York.

Wright, Adam H.

  • Person
  • 1846-1930
Results 141 to 150 of 13554