Showing 2496 results

Authority record
Corporate body

Temperleys, Carter & Darke (Firm)

  • Corporate body
  • 1850s-1916

Temperleys, Carter & Darke was a London-based company of shipping and insurance brokers. One of the partners, John Temperley, was the owner of the Temperley Line, a steamship line from London to Quebec City and Montreal (Temperley Steam Shipping Co Ltd). He managed several inter-related shipping businesses. In 1916, due to the death of Oswald Darke, the company amalgamated with Edmund Haslehust & Co. and it became known as Temperleys, Haslehust & Co.

Taylor Bros. (Firm)

  • Corporate body
  • active late 1800s

Temperleys, Carter & Darke was a London-based company of shipping and insurance brokers. One of the partners, John Temperley, was the owner of the Temperley Line, a steamship line from London to Quebec City and Montreal (Temperley Steam Shipping Co Ltd). He managed several inter-related shipping businesses. In 1916, due to the death of Oswald Darke, the company amalgamated with Edmund Haslehust & Co. and it became known as Temperleys, Haslehust & Co.

Taylor and Gordon

  • Corporate body
  • 1883-1904

Andrew Thomas Taylor (1850-1937) received his architectural training in Scotland and London. After briefly practising architecture in London, Taylor emigrated to Canada in 1883 where, for the next twenty-one years, he practised architecture in Montreal. In partnership with George William Hamilton Gordon (approximately 1854-1906), an English-born architect who trained in London in the offices of Alfred Waterhouse (1830-1905), Taylor designed six buildings for McGill University, including the Redpath Library Building and the MacDonald Physics Building. Taylor and Gordon also designed numerous commercial buildings in Montreal and throughout Canada, including a number of branches of the Bank of Montreal and the Merchants' Bank of Canada.

Andrew Thomas Taylor (1850-1937) est né en Écosse et a reçu sa formation d'architecture en Écosse et à Londres. Après avoir brièvement exercé sa profession à Londres, Taylor a émigré au Canada en 1883 et a poursuivi sa carrière à Montréal pendant vingt-trois ans. Associé de George William Hamilton Gordon (circa 1854-1906), architecte anglais qui avait été formé à Londres au cabinet d'Alfred Waterhouse (1830-1905), Taylor a dessiné six immeubles pour l'Université McGill dont la bibliothèque Redpath et le pavillon MacDonald de physique. Taylor et Gordon ont également dessiné plusieurs immeubles commerciaux à Montréal et ailleurs au Canada, y compris un certain nombre de succursales de la Banque de Montréal et de la Merchants' Bank of Canada. Taylor est retourné en Angleterre en 1904 pour y faire carrière dans la fonction publique.

Results 321 to 330 of 2496