Letter to William Osler from Lewis A. Atkinson, 34, East 33rd Street, New York, New York, USA. Atkinson asks Osler if he would accept a position at New York University made vacant by the death of Dr. Lorimer.
Letter to William Osler from William Pepper, University of Pennsylvania, Dep. of Archaeology and Paleontology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. "Appt. to McGill." Pepper assumes that newspaper reports of Osler's acceptance of the Presidency of McGIll University are true. He congratulates him on the achievement.
Letter to William Osler from Silas Weir Mitchell, 1524, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. "Appt. to McGill." Mitchell has learnt from newspaper reports that Osler has been named President of McGill University.
Letter to William Osler from Henry Pickering Bowditch, Physiological Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. "Re. newspaper accounts of appt. to McGill to succeed Dawson." Bowditch asks Osler to confirm reports in Boston newspapers that he plans to leave Baltimore for McGill.
Letter to William Osler from H.C. Wood, 1925, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. "Re. newspaper accounts of appt. to McGill to succeed Dawson." Wood asks Osler if he plans to accept the appointment to McGill.
Letter to William Osler from L.C. Lane, San Francisco, California, USA. He thanks Osler for his two addresses, "Oliver Wendell Holmes" and "The Leaven of Science."
Letter to William Osler from W.R. Gowers, 50, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, London, England. "Notes from Books." Gowers thanks Osler for dedicating "On Chorea and Choreiform Affections" to him. He writes of Mrs. Cardew, an excellent editor whom he highly recommends.
Letter to William Osler from Geo. Huntington, La Grangeville, New York, USA. "Notes From Books." Huntington has sent Osler a photo of himself as requested. Related to research for Osler's text book, "On Chorea." Civilities.
Letter to William Osler from Edward. Osborn, East Hampton, New York, USA. "Notes From Books." Osborn reports on cases of Hereditary Chorea in East Hampton and urges Osler to come in person to study them. Research for Osler's text book, "On Chorea."
Letter to William Osler from Edward Osborn, East Hampton, New York, USA. "Notes From Books." Osborn offers information on cases of Chorea in East Hampton. Research for Osler's text book, "On Chorea."