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McGill University Archives
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18299 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Haemmerle Family Fonds

  • CA MUA 4116/12
  • Fonds
  • 1868-1986

The Haemmerle family fonds reflects the life of Russian emigres in Canada and consists mainly of correspondence in Russian (1919-1960) to and from Alfred Haemmerle, his wife Amy Waht, and other family members, particularly their son Anatole. The fonds contain numerous photographs of family members and events (1904-1960), photo negatives, a small number of family documents from the 19th century, genealogical notes, newspaper clippings, postcards mainly from Japan, maps and correspondence from the 19th century in Russian dealing with Haemmerle family as well as the Larssen family in Denmark, who were Alfred's maternal relatives. There are also letters to Anatole from his aunts in England and Japan. Included are also lectures and writings by Alfred Haemmerle on cooperative banking and related subjects, financial notes, diaries, receipts, wills, deeds and newspaper clippings also in English. Aside from the photographs, the non textual records include an ink sketch, a pastel sketch Enid signed by A. Dickson Patterson, a sketch of St. Lawrence River signed by C.B.K., a small still life painting of pots, one leather pouch and one small box.

Haemmerle family

Black Whale Fonds

  • CA MUA MG 1001
  • Fonds
  • 1934-1975

The fonds consists of textual records related to the operations and administration of the Percé Handicrafts Guild, the Black Whale Shop, as well other community initiatives sponsored by Percé Handicrafts Guild such as the the Black Whale Dental Clinic, and photographs of the shop and its volunteers. Operational and administrative files are intermingled with a range of informal correspondence, in particular many letters between Ethel Renouf and Phyllis Birks, and files of anecdotal notes and clips related to the Black Whale shop as well as to the history, flora, and geology of the Gaspé region.

Formal administrative records consist of letters patent for the Percé Handicrafts Guild, full minutes for 1939, and brief annual summaries of activities from 1933 to 1975. Legal documents comprise licence and registration papers, together with pertinent correspondence, 1938-1953, and a correspondence file relating to rental of the shop building. The financial side is illustrated by a cash book, 1934, and files of miscellaneous receipts, inventories, balance sheets and bookkeeping instructions, 1935-1971. Almost half the records of the Black Whale are informal in nature, for example, letters from Ethel Renouf to Phyllis Birks mixing personal news with accounts of shop operations and craft production, 1934-1937. Files of anecdotal notes and clippings relate the shop and to the history of the Gaspé, as well as on the flora and geology of the region. The fonds includes a copy of The Black Whale cookbook and some related records.. Some correspondence, budget notes and flyers pertain to the work of the Dental Clinic, 1939-1940. Sixty photographs featuring different views of the Black Whale handicrafts shop in Percé, Quebec, are also included. A number of photographs are individual and group portraits of the volunteers who created and ran the shop, including Ethel Renouf. A few photographs document a Black Whale Shop stand at the University of Montreal.

Percé Handicrafts Guild

Financial records

Contains correspondence, quotes, receipts, balance sheets of Percé Handicraft Guild, Black Whale bookkeeping memorandum, and banking resolution.

War bonds

Contains correspondence, receipts, certificates.

Legal documents

Contains legal documents for Percé Handicraft Guild, correspondence chiefly from Meredith, Holden Heward & Holden Barristers and Solicitors, certificates, licenses, declarations, etc.

Black Whale history

Contains typed documents, notes and clippings related to the history of Black Whale.

Operational records

Contains miscellaneous documents primarily related to information on shop services, announcements, and staff memos. Also contains some local tourist pamphlets.


Consists of miscellaneous clippings from Gaspé region.

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