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Letter to Harvey Cushing

Letter to Harvey Cushing from H.M. Barlow, Royal College of Physicians, Pall Mall East, London, England. Barlow responds to Cushing's inquiry into the Moxon Medal. The only surgeon to have won the medal was Jonathan Hutchinson. [For details see CUS417/23.6]

Barlow, Horace Mallinson, 1884-

Letter to William Osler

Letter to William Osler from H.M. Barlow, Royal College of Physicians, Pall Mall East, London, England. Barlow responds to Osler's inquiry into the various editions of the Breviary held in the College Library.

Barlow, Horace Mallinson, 1884-

Letter to William Osler

Letter to William Osler from H. M. Barlow, Royal College of Physicians, Pall Mall East, London, England. Barlow writes of books by Boorde and a 1547 edition of the Breviary held in the College Library.

Barlow, Horace Mallinson, 1884-

Letter, November 16, 1920

Letter from H.M. Barlow, Royal College of Physicians, Pall Mall East, London, England, to Harvey Cushing. Barlow has enclosed a list of books Sir William gave to the College Library [possibly referring to CUS417/5.1].

Barlow, Horace Mallinson, 1884-