Postcard from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Thanks; he is collecting post-mortems for Turnball who has had 3 post-mortems and is writing up the bone marrow. Asks him to send him a paper on the gout work, as he would like to add a name on his next Edition. Mentions that Dysentery cases are beginning to come from the East. Russia is getting a bad knock-out, but it is brighter for England and France. Revere is happy with the McGill Unit. Asks for a photo of his babies. P.S. Mentions that his secretary, his chauffeur and his butler are gone.
Letter to Christian (?) from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Doubts that he can come to America next year. Invites him to attend to the British Medical Association meeting in Cambridge.
Letter to Donaldson from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Asks him to get the autobiography of Caspar Wistar from the family for him. Mentions that he had told Cushing to write Donaldson about Spielmann's Vesal Iconography in view of getting financial support from the Wistar Institute.
Letter to Montgomery from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Thanks for his note and enclosure about Reeve. Comments on the latter. Mentions the Rabelais meeting in April at the Royal Society of Medicine where W.D. Smith will read the chief paper and Osler will arrange an exhibit.