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Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919
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George Eli Armstrong Fonds

  • CA MUA MG2024
  • Fonds
  • 1852-1933

Fonds primarily documents Armstrong’s social life. They consist overwhelmingly of correspondence for the period 1909-1933. Letters from his professional colleagues, such as Sir William Osler, F.J. Shepard, Edward Archibald, William J. Mayo and others in the Mayo Clinic, are concerned largely with personal greetings, association memberships, or Medical Faculty business, particularly honorary degrees. Armstrong's non-medical correspondents include Lord Beaverbrook, Lord Atholstan, Sir Hugh Allan, Arthur Meighen, George Foster and Herbert Symonds. Topics include politics, Armstrong's war work and honours, some medicals matters, and personal news. Appended to this main series are obituaries and letters of sympathy to Armstrong's widow (1933), six photographs, including one of Armstrong in an operating room, and admission cards and diplomas from Armstrong's student years.

Armstrong, George Eli, 1854-1933

Philip Franklin Fonds

  • CA OSLER P016
  • Fonds
  • 1913-1919

Fonds shows Dr. Philip Franklin's relations and activities with Sir William Osler regarding the Post-Graduate Scheme in England and the American Hospital in England during WWI. The fonds contains letters, telegrams and an agenda and printed material regarding a meeting about the American Hospital.

Franklin, Philip, 1878-

Harry C. Cunningham Fonds

  • CA OSLER P020
  • Fonds
  • 1883

Fonds contains two admission cards of Harry C. Cunningham for the year 1883, one for the course of Microscope in Medicine signed by Sir William Osler and one for a six month ticket to the Montreal General Hospital.

Cunningham, Harry C.

Henry Beaumont Small Fonds

  • CA OSLER P028
  • Fonds
  • 1876-1880

Fonds shows Henry Beaumont Small's activities as a medical student through his admission cards for his complete medical formation. It contains 43 admission cards signed by or printed for the teachers, among them William Osler.

Small, Henry Beaumont, 1854-1949

George Dock Fonds

  • CA OSLER P043
  • Fonds
  • 1891-1919

Fonds contains correspondence mostly between George Dock and Sir William Osler but also with Lady Osler, W.W. Francis and Archibald Malloch, from 1891 to 1919. The fonds includes 106 letters, originals and carbon copies.

Dock, George, 1860-1951

Robert Baxter Struthers fonds

  • CA OSLER P048
  • Fonds
  • 1881 - 1882

Fonds contains lecture notes taken by Robert Struthers at McGill Medical College in 1881-1882, including notes on Pathology, Surgery and Ophthalmology. Lecturers include Robert Palmer Howard, Sir Thomas Roddick and Sir William Osler. There is also a case report by Struthers. The fonds includes two notebooks and a case report.

Struthers, Robert Baxter, 1858-1908

Harry Morell Fonds

  • CA OSLER P053
  • Fonds
  • 1914-1949

Fonds contains correspondence, including letters and postcards from Sir William Osler, clippings and two photographs.

Morell, Harry, 1871-

Henry Vining Ogden Fonds

  • CA OSLER P060
  • Fonds
  • 1879-1906

Fonds documents the Montreal years of H.V. Ogden and the ties he had with Sir William Osler. The fonds contains the correspondence of H.V. Ogden consisting of letters from May Francis and Marian Francis (Osborne), letters from George Cantlie, a letter from Dr. Robert Palmer Howard and a letter from Edmund J.A. Rogers.

Ogden, Henry Vining, 1857-1931

Thomas McCrae Fonds

  • CA OSLER P070
  • Fonds
  • 1897-1904

Fonds contains notes taken by Thomas McCrae between 1897 and 1904 at William Osler's clinics at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.

McCrae, Thomas, 1870-1935

Alice Russel Fonds

  • CA OSLER P074
  • Fonds
  • 1905 - 1963

Fonds documents the friendship between Mrs. Alice Russel and Dr. Abraham Flexner. It also includes documents collected by Mrs. Russel on Sir William Osler and Maude Abbott. The fonds contains correspondence and newspaper clippings.

Russel, Alice

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