Fonds documents Dr. H.E. MacDermot's medical-historical activities. The fonds contains newspaper clippings, manuscript notes, photographs, lectures notes, and a draft of The MGH, the Years of Change.
Fonds documents the Mallochs' activities related to their medical and literary work. The fonds contains notes, correpondence, commonplace books, account books, material related to publications, family memorabilia, scrapbooks, photographs, telegrams, postcards and certificates.
The fonds largely document Dr. Segall's professional activities as a cardiologist. It contains correspondence, notes, experimental notebooks, lecture notes, articles, speeches, patients' records, electrocardiograms, reprints and material pertaining to the Louis Gross Memorial Lectures, 1922-1979. Also included are several electrocardiograph machines, dictation devices, and audio recordings (reel-to-reel tapes, dictation disks, and cassette tapes). In addition, the fonds contain records of Dr. Segall's personal and family correspondence, financial transactions, and various other official and unofficial documents.
Fonds shows T.F. Cotton's activities as a student at McGill University, 1903-1909. The fonds contains 24 bound notebooks with lectures notes taken by Cotton, 1903-1909, for courses in Medicine, Political Science, History, French Literature, English Composition and Literature. There is also a case book containing electrocardiograms and a volume of ophthalmology lecture notes bearing the name George C. Hale.
Fonds documents George Drummond's medical education in Edinburgh, 1821-1826. The fonds contains an indenture between Drummond and his master in surgery and pharmacy, admission cards and certificates of attendance.
Fonds documents H.R. Clouston's medical activities and his association with McGill University. The fonds contains notes, reprints, photographs and newspapers clippings.
Fonds consists of chiefly correspondence of or about Dr. John Clarence Webster, from 1892 to 1952. It also contains his medical thesis from 1891, "Tubo-pentoneal ectopic gestation. The anatomy of the pelvis during the puerperium, and the female pelvic floor,"with accompanying 2 bound volumes of watercolour plates.
Fonds shows Dr. Allan McMillan's activities as a country doctor in the Eastern Townships of the end of the 19th century. |a The fonds consists of 6 daybooks separated into 6 vols.: v. 1: 22 Apr. 1876-18 Sept. 1885, v. 2: 22 Sept. 1885-7 March 1887, v. 3: 15 March 1894-24 Feb. 1897, v. 4: 1 Aug. 1898-30 June 1900, v. 5: 1 July 1900-8 June 1905, v. 6: 12 June 1905-14 July 1908.
Fonds shows Dr. Philip Franklin's relations and activities with Sir William Osler regarding the Post-Graduate Scheme in England and the American Hospital in England during WWI. The fonds contains letters, telegrams and an agenda and printed material regarding a meeting about the American Hospital.