Bethune, Rev. Charles James Stewart
- CA RBD MSG BW006-0240
- File
- 1866-1869
File contains 2 autograph letters signed.
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Bethune, Rev. Charles James Stewart
File contains 2 autograph letters signed.
Articles & clippings pertaining to Alban Berg
Part of Julius Schloss Collection
(29+ items) Content includes articles and reviews of A. Berg's operas Wozzek and Lulu, Kammerkonzert, Altenberg Lieder, Lyric Suite, and miscellaneous. Authors include Theodore W. Adorno, Alban Berg, Helene Berg, Mark Devoto, Gottfried Kassowitz, Fritz Heinrich Klein, Alma Mahler-Werfel, George Perle, Hans Ferdinand Redlich, Willi Reich, Julius Schloss, Johannes Schüler, Viktor Ullmann, Ernst Viebig, William H. Wells, Fritz Werle, et al. Publications include Die Musik, Die Musikblätter des Anbruch, Die Weltwoche, International Alban Berg Society Newsletter, Journal of the American Musicological Society, Modern Music, Musik der Gegenwart, Österreichische Musikzeitschrift, Perspectives of New Music, Playbill, Pult und Taktstock, The Musical Times, etc. Dated 1923-1971. Schloss mentioned on p. 26 of SC174 for performances of the Mombert Lieder and Klaviersonate in Amsterdam, Utrect, United States and Holland.
Miscellaneous concert programs 1923-1970[?]
Part of Julius Schloss Collection
Part of Julius Schloss Collection
Die Flöhe oder Der Schmerzenstanz. Unfinished opera. Sketched 1930-1931. Text by Frank Wedekind. Sketches; in pencil, ink and color pencil; with typewritten texts excerpts glued to manuscript paper; dated; 1.6.1930-6.11.1931; 10 leaves. Typewritten copy of text; with annotation in ink and colored pencil; 35 leaves. Photocopy of text; no annotations; 35p. Musik portfolio.
Part of Julius Schloss Collection
Contained Baudelaire Poem (SC90). With note: "Between pages 46/47 Lyrische Suite für Streichquartett v. Alban Berg Partitur with dedication in ink to Schloss Herbst 1927 handwritten Baudelaire Poem (pencil) by A. Berg".
Part of Julius Schloss Collection
Lyrische Suite; Lyrische Suite für Streichquartett; Vienna: Universal Edition U.E 8780, 1927. 1 miniature score (83 p.); 19 cm. Annotations by Berg, including words of poem written under lines of music (p. 78ff). Wrapper with note "Lyr, Suite Uli's[?] Exemplar: very valuable annotations by Alban Berg".
Part of Julius Schloss Collection
Lyrische Suite; Lyrische Suite für Streichquartett; Vienna: Universal Edition U.E 8780, 1927. 1 miniature score (83 p.); 19 cm. Corrections by Schloss. Dedication in ink from Berg to Schloss: "Herbst 1927 Meinem lieben Schloss - der in den Tagen der Korrekturen an diesem Quartett wahrhaf bewiesen hat, daß er auch den Schlüssel zu meiner Musik hat. Berg". Note: 88a missing.
Notes on Coster, Charles de: Die Mär von Ulenspiegel und Lamme Gordzak
Part of Julius Schloss Collection
Includes handwritten notes, fragment with tone row and folder.
Büchner, Georg: Leonce und Lena: Ein Lustspiel
Part of Julius Schloss Collection
Typewritten copy of text with annotations in red pencil in Schloss's hand. Accompanied by article on the play by Arthur Sackheim.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Museum of Polynesianethology & Natural History Honolulu
File contains 1 autograph letter signed. Includes correspondence with Harry Heuslew (?) ( Coll.).