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James Bissett Fonds

  • CA RBD MSG 333
  • Fonds
  • 1854-1911

Correspondence, accounts, journals maps, etc., documenting Bissett’s career with the Hudson’s Bay Company. The Photostats (in C.1 and C.2) include Bissett’s journal and accounts at the Red River, 1854-1855, and a journal “Lachine to the Sandwich Islands” 1858-1859. There are also journals for 1859 and 1867. The original documents (in C.3) include correspondence with the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1858-1875, and accounts, 1860-1873. There are Bissett’s commissions as Chief Trader (1858) and as Chief Factor (1872), and a list of Chief Traders and Factors, 1855-1879. There are also some plans / maps, sketches, and photographs including a sketch of the Hudson’s Bay Post at Honolulu, ca. 1860.

Bissett, James

Drummond Family Fonds

  • CA RBD MSG 378
  • Fonds
  • approximately 1900

This material comprises a copy of a family book and of a genealogy of Andrew Drummond, ca 1900.

Drummond Family, approximately 1900

Athenaeum Club of Montreal Fonds

  • CA RBD MSG 305
  • Fonds
  • 1888

The minutes of the Club are accompanied by a letter from the Secretary, George Murray, to Wilfred Skaife. Skaife notes in the minute book that "no further meetings of the Society were held".

Athenaeum Club of Montreal

Zoological Society of Montreal fonds

  • CA RBD MSG BW1164
  • Fonds
  • 1964-2016

The fonds consists of the records of the Zoological Society of Montreal for the entirety of its existence, from 1964-2016. These records were generated in the pursuit of the Zoological Society’s goal to enhance public awareness of wildlife conservation issues through speakers, film screenings, field trips, special events, and large projects. The records also reflect the Society's charity to zoological, ecological and conservation causes. The administration of the Society, its interactions with its members, and its projects and events are documented through minutes, correspondence, communications, published articles, financial documents, reports, and proposals. The Society’s interests and activities are also reflected through books, objects from their offices, audio and video materials, and 5243 photographs, most of which are stored in photo albums. The fonds also contains the records of the Zoological Society of Canada, which were created to administer the Canadian Society similarly to the Montreal Society, with the goal of expanding the organization’s reach nationally.

The fonds is comprised of the following series: 1) Activities (1965-2013); 2) Administration (1964-2016); 3) Artifacts (1980-2004); 4) Books (1967-1991); and 5) Newsletters (1967-2016).

Zoological Society of Montreal

Natural History Society of Montreal fonds

  • CA RBD MSG BW001
  • Fonds
  • 1827-1925, with gaps

The fonds reflects the scientific and literary outreach activities of the Montreal Natural History Society over the course of its existence and contains correspondence, minutes, financial records, council and committee reports, membership lists, donation lists, catalogues of holdings, newspaper clippings, lecture advertisements and weather maps. In addition, the fonds includes reference material to other societies and information regarding the publication and creation of the Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science, Canadian Naturalist and Geologist and the Canadian Record of Science.

The fonds is composed of the following series: 1) Accounting Records (1860-1917); 2) Administrative Records (1833-1887); 3) Catalogues (ca.1829-ca.1925); 4) Correspondence (1871-1896 with gaps); 5) Essays and Lectures (1829-1852); 6) Minutes (1827-1832,1844-1923); 7) Montreal Microscopical Society (1884-1906); 8) Reports (1828-1881 with gaps); 9) Weather Maps (1895-1897).

Natural History Society of Montreal

Henry Taylor Bovey Fonds

  • CA MUA MG1021
  • Fonds
  • 1893-approximately 1908

Copy of a photographic portrait of Bovey (ca 1908), and a certificate from McGill dated 1893.

Bovey, Henry T. (Henry Taylor), 1852-1912

John William Cunliffe Fonds

  • MSG 222
  • Fonds
  • Approximately 1930

This consists of Cunliffe's manuscript of his History of the Dominion of Canada.

Cunliffe, John William, 1865-1946

Arthur Erickson fonds

  • CA CAC 57
  • Fonds
  • between approximately 1946 and 1998

The fonds consists chiefly of architectural drawings, photographs, reports, and other records relating to Erickson's architectural projects in the Middle East. Beginning in 1975, Erickson undertook some forty projects in the Middle East, most of them large-scale public projects. He created masterplans and designed universities, museums, office buildings, residential complexes and diplomatic compounds in the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria, among others. Some were built, others remained at a competition and project stage. Most provide an important insight into the challenges of designing buildings and cities in an environment and culture radically different from our own. The materials document Erickson's involvement with building projects in the Middle East. Erickson's concern for bold masses, indigenous forms and contextuality can be seen in designs for the Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia (1983) and the Abu Nuwas Conservation and Development Project in Baghdad, Iraq (1981). These designs are better understood as small-scale cities rather than buildings and reflect Erickson's humanist approach to the problems of Modern design. The majority of the architectural drawings in the fonds date from 1976 to 1986 and include 1,468 multimedia drawings. These include drawings for over a dozen Middle East competitions and projects such as designs for the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia (1983), King Faisal Air Force Academy and Mosque in Al Kharj (1980) and the Etisalat Headquarters in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (1986). An additional seventeen drawings were created before 1950 and include nine drawings for an office building and eight drawings for an arts centre for Vancouver. These executed while a student at the McGill School of Architecture. The fonds also contains 102 photographs and 26 slides also dating between 1976 and 1986 as well as 4 three-dimensional scale models. These models are for the Islamic University of Madinah (1983), the Abu Nuwas Conservation and Development Project (1976), Sancst Science Halls (1981) and Etisalat Headquarters (1986). The fonds also contain competition submissions and project development documentation (1976-1987), bound in 43 volumes. Nine copies of three published books also included contain surveys of Erickson's work and career. The fonds also contains Erickson's correspondence and other papers, as well as some projects from his student years.

Le fonds se compose principalement de dessins d'architecture, de photographies, de rapports et d'autres documents relatifs aux projets architecturaux d'Erickson au Moyen-Orient. Ces documents témoignent de l'implication d'Erickson dans des projets de construction au Moyen-Orient. L'intérêt d'Erickson pour les masses audacieuses, les formes indigènes et la contextualité se retrouve dans les projets de l'Université islamique de Médine en Arabie saoudite (1983) et du projet de conservation et de développement d'Abu Nuwas à Bagdad, en Irak (1981). Ces projets sont davantage considérés comme des villes à petite échelle que comme des bâtiments et reflètent l'approche humaniste d'Erickson face aux problèmes du design moderne. La majorité des dessins d'architecture du fonds datent de 1976 à 1986 et comprennent 1 468 dessins multimédias. Ils comprennent des dessins pour plus d'une douzaine de concours et de projets au Moyen-Orient, tels que le plan de l'Université islamique de Médine, en Arabie saoudite (1983), l'Académie de l'armée de l'air du roi Fayçal et la mosquée d'Al Kharj (1980) ainsi que les quartiers généraux d'Etisalat à Abou Dhabi, aux Émirats arabes unis (1986). Dix-sept autres dessins ont été réalisés avant 1950, dont neuf dessins pour un immeuble de bureaux et huit dessins pour un centre d'art à Vancouver. Ces dessins ont été exécutés alors qu'il était étudiant à l'école d'architecture de McGill. Le fonds contient également 102 photographies et 26 diapositives datant également de 1976 à 1986 ainsi que 4 maquettes en trois dimensions. Quatre projets sont documentés par des maquettes tridimensionnelles : l'Université islamique de Madinah (1983), le Projet de conservation et de développement d'Abu Nuwas (1976), les Sancst Science Halls (1981) et les quartiers généraux d'Etisalat (1986). Le fonds contient également des soumissions de concours et de la documentation sur le développement de projets (1976-1987), reliés en 43 volumes. Neuf exemplaires de trois livres publiés contiennent également des études sur le travail et la carrière d'Erickson. Le fonds contient également la correspondance et d'autres documents d'Erickson.

Erickson, Arthur, 1924-2009

Claudio Acquariva Fonds

  • CA RBD MSG 212
  • Fonds
  • 1571

Fonds contains a manuscript of Esercizi spirituali.

Acquaviva, Claudio, 1543-1615

Moshe Safdie

  • CA CAC 58
  • Fonds

The archives contains at this time an estimated 20 000 plans and drawings, 600 presentation boards, 500 loose sketches, 60 sketchbooks, 600 boxes of projects and office files, 80 models, 200 computer diskettes, and a representative collection of slides, photographic prints, audio-visual material, as well as a bibliographic file of primary and secondary literature. Materials are in the process of being accessioned and described.

Le fonds contient présentement environ 20 000 plans et dessins, 600 panneaux de présentation, 500 croquis, 60 carnets de croquis, 600 boîtes de dossiers de projets et de bureau, 80 maquettes, 200 disquettes d'ordinateur, une collection de diapositives représentative de son oeuvre, des photographies, du matériel audio-visuel et des dossiers bibliographiques de sources primaires et secondaires. Le matériel est en train d'être dépouillé mais n'a pas encore été décrit.

Safdie, Moshe, 1938-

Results 1 to 10 of 1037