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Jean Bourdon plans collection

  • CA RBD MSG 1332
  • Collection
  • between approximately 1635-1642

The collection consists of 10 ink manuscript maps and plans on paper, some hand-coloured, depicting the earliest settlements and fortifications at Montreal and Quebec City. The earliest dated document is a plan of the fort of Quebec and is dated 1635. The earliest document in the collection depicting Montreal is believed to date back to 1642. The maps and plans were prepared by Jean Bourdon, seigneur and surveyor for the French colony. Included in the collection is a plan of the earliest Fort Richelieu of which nothing had previously been known. There are also detail drawings of riverside fortifications, probably near Montreal.

Bourdon, Jean, 1601 or 1602-1668

French Huguenots Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 33
  • Collection
  • approximately 1660

Contains manuscript compilation relating to French Huguenots: "Recueil des actes de tous les Sinodes Nationnaux... au Royaume de France, 1559-1660." Includes an additional leaf dated 1711 at the end signed Etienne Merichaux.

King of England William III Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 493
  • Collection
  • 1694-1702

The collection includes three warrants to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh concerning payment of troops, 1694-1697 and a signed document in Dutch concerning a Colonel van de Ruyterye, 1702.

William III, King of England, 1650-1702

Uprising of Naples Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 282
  • Collection
  • 1740

The collection consists of a manuscript account of the uprising Racconto della sollevazione di Napoli accaduta nell'anno 1647, written in 1740. Beginning in 1503, Naples was ruled by Spain through a viceroy. There was also a seggi or municipal administration which was dominated by the aristocracy, but did have a small popular representation. The uprising of July 1647 was provoked by the high cost of living and by taxes, and had as its figurehead a fisherman named Masaniello. It was in fact organized by Giulio Genoino, a lawyer who wanted the people's voice on the seggi to be equal to the patricians. The rebels attacked prisons and armories, looted the houses of the nobility, and lynched several people. After a few days, a settlement was negotiated by the Cardinal Archbishop

Marquis de la Jonquière Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 1274
  • Collection
  • 28 February 1750

Consists of an English translation of a letter to the Marquis de la Jonquière written by Antoine-Louis Rouillé, comte de Jouy, secretary of state for the French Navy, at Versailles, dated 28 February 1750. The letter discusses an immediate release of prisoners of war taken during conflicts between the French and British colonies. It also includes a mention of Indigenous allies of England and France, and Indigenous people captured during the conflicts: "the Indian Prisoners among the two Nations be likewise released, but after all the French and English Prisoners are released" The letter also includes the name of examiner Josiah Willard, secretary of the province of Massachusetts-Bay.

Rouillé, Antoine-Louis , comte de Jouy, 1689-1761

Rochefort Expedition Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 335
  • Collection
  • 1757

The collection contains an account written by a Major Gilbert of the 1757 Rochefort expedition during the Seven Years' War. During this conflict, known as the Raid of Rochefort, British amphibious troops attempted unsuccessfully to capture the French port of Rochefort on the Atlantic coast.

Taylor White Collection

  • CA RBD MSG BW002
  • Collection
  • 1736-1759

The Taylor White Collection is comprised of 938 watercolour paintings of mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles. White, a British jurist, commissioned various artists of the day (including Charles Collins, Peter Paillou, Jacob Van Huysum, George Edwards, and Eleazar Albin) to paint these animal portraits from live and dead specimens brought back to England from around the world. Many of the paintings are accompanied by loose-leaf manuscript notes, written mainly by White in Latin, providing further information about the animal; transcriptions and English translations of these notes have been provided within the record for each painting.

White, Taylor, 1701-1772

William Shaw and Simon Fraser Papers

  • CA RBD MSG 1275
  • Collection
  • 14 September 1778

Collection contains a "Charterparty of Affreightment" signed on 14 September 1778 between Hugh Wylee, captain of the ship Dalling, and William Shaw and Simon Fraser, merchants of Quebec City. The contract contains the terms under which Shaw and Fraser hired Wylee and his ship and crew for a commercial journey from Quebec City to the Bay of Chaleure in Gaspey (now Gaspé), and from there to Kingston, Jamaica. In exchange for carrying and unloading Shaw and Fraser's cargo, Wylee received 800 pounds and a portion of the profits from the sale of the goods.

Monro, James, active 1778

William Taylor Papers

  • CA RBD MSG 1276
  • Collection
  • 16 March 1787 - 11 October 1787

Collection consists of two commercial documents bound together that record the exchange of goods between John Taylor of Queensferry, Scotland, and William Taylor of Montreal. The first document is a one-page list of unsold goods, entitled "List of goods on Mr Wm Taylors [sic] hands remaining unsold as per account sales, sent 11th October 1787 - tho' shipt per the Elizabeth, A. Syme April 1786." It lists a variety of goods, including fabrics, horse tack, carpet, and beer, along with their values. The second document is an inventory of a shipment, entitled "Invoice of a cargo of goods sent per the Elizabeth, Captn A. Syme, to be sold on my account by Mr William Taylor, Merchant Montreal, Queensferry, March 16, 1787." The invoice lists goods - such as fabrics, accessories, tools, household goods, beer and wine, and sugar - as well as insurance, carriage, and customhouse fees.

Taylor, John (merchant in Queensferry), active 1786-1787

Montreal Night Patrol Collection

  • CA RBD MSG 338
  • Collection
  • 1801

Collections includes records relating to the Montreal Night Patrol, to which many prominent Montrealers subscribed. Files include lists of expenses incurred by the patrol, minutes from sessions, accounts and receipts, and subscription lists.

Montreal, Night Patrol, active 1801

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