- CA MUA MG 1022-2-1-252-0016
- Item
- 13 December 1888
Part of Dawson-Harrington Families Fonds
Letter from T.G. Bonney to John William Dawson, written from London, W..
Bonney, T. G. (Thomas George), 1833-1923
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Part of Dawson-Harrington Families Fonds
Letter from T.G. Bonney to John William Dawson, written from London, W..
Bonney, T. G. (Thomas George), 1833-1923
Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893
Archbishops of Canterbury (Davidson, Lang and Temple)
Part of Noel Noel-Buxton fonds
Letters from three Archbishops of Canterbury to Noel Noel-Buxton: Randall Davidson, Cosmo Gordon Lang, and William Temple. Includes two draft responses from Noel-Buxton. The correspondence concerns political issues of the First and Second World Wars, incl
Archbishops of York (Lang and Temple)
Part of Noel Noel-Buxton fonds
Two letters from Cosmo Ebor and four letters from William Ebor, written to Noel Buxton during their terms as Archbishop of York. Also includes an unsigned draft to William (presumably from Buxton), and three typed copies of the other letters.
Part of Noel Noel-Buxton fonds
Letters from Arnold J. Toynbee to Noel-Buxton.
Part of Noel Noel-Buxton fonds
Letters from Arthur Henderson to Buxton, with one deaft response from Buxton.