Letter to William Osler from Ellen Osler, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. The Oslers' Dundas home has been full of visitors. Ellen Osler writes of D.M. McKenzie's wedding, and G. Farmer's marriage to Alice Milne. She sends her regards to the Checkley's. Includes manuscript notes.
Letter to William Osler from Ellen Osler, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. Ellen Osler prepares a package for her son, but could not find 'Horace' in the study. The Fletchers have been to visit. She relates news of family and friends. She sends her regards to the Checkley's. Includes manuscript notes.
Letter to William Osler from Ellen Osler, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. She relates news of family and friends. Osler's father will write the school about him staying on another year. Osler's mother advises him to think carefully about his decision to enter the Church. She sends him a "volume of good advice" and encourages him to read the "Book of Proverbs." She was proud to see "Osler 1st" so many times in the paper [refers to an athletic competition].
Letter to William Osler from Edward F. Milburn, Trinity College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Milburn has just heard from Johnson that Osler is very ill. He intended to invite Osler for Christmas, but understands that Jimmie beat him to it. He hopes that Osler will take a scholarship when he comes up [to Trinity College?].
Letter to William Osler from Ellen Osler, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. Ellen Osler writes of the death of Mr. Johnson's son-in-law. Their English cousins, Jennette and Marian, enjoyed their visit with Osler in Weston.
Letter to William Osler from Ellen Osler, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. She relates news of family and friends. Osler will go to Lloydtown on holiday, instead of returning home to Dundas.
Letter to William Osler from Ellen Mary (Nellie) Osler, The Rectory, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. Nellie is sorry to hear that Osler lost his cricket match. She relates news of family and friends and comments on Edward Osler's [their brother] marriage. The English cousins are anxious to see Osler.
Letter to William Osler from Ellen Mary (Nellie) Osler, The Rectory, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. Nellie would like to arrange for Osler to meet their English cousins, Jennette and Marian. She comments on Osler's relationship with Mary. Osler will stay on at Weston.
Letter to William Osler from Ellen Osler, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. Ellen Osler gives her son permission to take music for the first quarter as a trial. She writes of two concerts, one at Ancaster, the other at Flambro, to raise money for the New Chancel and an organ. She relates news of Dundas, and of family and friends.
Letter to William Osler from Ellen Osler. Ellen Osler has had little time to write to her son, as Ellen Mary is still ill and their "Domestic" is not the best. She worries about Frank, wandering on the ocean. Osler's father will write to Johnson about Osler's future at Weston. Includes manuscript notes.