Letter to Frederick Parkes Weber from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Thanks for his third edition (Aspects of deaths...) with the touching dedication. Compliments on his work.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Osler is sorry he missed Adami, but he was with J.K. Mitchell and had to attend to an urgent case.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Deplores C. Mines' death, the Professor of Physiology at McGill. Asks him if it was suicide. All goes well in the country and in the army. They are busy. Hopes to hear from Keogh that he can take the McGill Unit. Civilities.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Thanks for the book he gave him (Firmin Didota "Alde Mannuae"). Will put it next to Renoir Annales de l'Unpriniere Alde. Glad that Adami sent him his bookplate. He has the Leoni ceius Syphilis tractate. Mentions the Grocyn letter to Aldus in the 1499 Astrom. Veleres. Asks him for the figures of syphilis and gonorrhoea in the Canadian troops during the first two years. Mentions that the matter has been referred to in the House Committee sitting on the bill. The Bruce Report of the cases has given a great shock in Canada. Osler thinks that the figures could be useful to get increased police power against open prostitution.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Congratulations and thanks (for his "Medical Contributions to the Study of Evolution"). It is just the volume he lacked in the evolution section of his bibliotheca prima. They go to Sidmouth next Wednesday. Mentions Isabel. Asks if Rhea has gone to the sanatorium.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Thanks for his suggestions which he found good. His opinion is that the librarian should be present at the meeting, like at the Radcliffe and at the Bodleian. Gives his opinion about the books already in the library, he is doubtful. Explains that he had already weeded out the ones he did not want in his library. States that he is after quality, not numbers.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Thanks for a drawing of the opening of the Radcliffe Infirmary. Thinks that W.W. Francis should go back to Montreal. Details about it.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Hopes he will come to a meeting of the Royal Society of Medicine, at which they will discuss the postgraduate scheme. He has been in bed with an infected tooth. Deplores it as he had to ask Rolleston to take charge of the Graham dinner. P.S. They are asking all the Overseas representatives and the American Ambassador.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. He has been in bed with an infected tooth. Deplores it as he had to ask Rolleston to take charge of the Graham dinner.
Letter to John George Adami from William Osler, 13, Norham Gardens, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Gives him good news about Rhea. Has written to Finley about him. Suggests a cure in a sanatorium. He did not bother Rhea with details at this stage. Suggests to send him into Nordrach-on-Dee, or Rhea may prefer to go to St. Agathe.