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1374 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

A Parrot from Mexico

Drawing of a Red-billed Parrot from a 18th century specimen [modern geographical distribution: the Neotropics: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia.] Attributed to Peter Paillou.

Paillou, Peter, approximately 1720-approximately 1790

A Perroquet from Bengal

Drawing of a male Red-breasted Parakeet from a 18th century specimen [modern geographical distribution: India and Southeat Asia].

Collins, Charles

A small specimen of the Cobra Minelle : with the Blossoms and Seed-vessels of the Lagerstroemia Reginae.

Item consists of a colour illustration of a snake among a six-petalled pink flower (Pride of India). Figures have been cut out and pasted onto sheet with background details pencilled in. The caption identifies the species as a "Cobra Minelle," which is described in the Oriental Memoirs, volume 1, chapter 3, as "the smallest, and most dangerous; the bite occasions a speedy and painful death. They are of a brown colour, speckled with black and white, though at a distance not easily distinguished from the ground on which they move." An additional pencil annotation by Henry Mousley identifies the species as "Tropidonotus stolatus."

A small White Owl

Item consists of a colour illustration of an owl poised on a branch, with description in pen in contemporary hand: A small White owl, of the natural size: drawn and colored from Nature, on the Island of Salsette. 1783. Figure has been cut out and pasted on sheet with background details pencilled in.

A variety in the Certhia Tribe

Item consists of a pencil and partially coloured illustration of a brown bird poised on a branch, with identification and description in pen in contemporary hand: A variety in the Certhia Tribe; with wild Trees and Flowering Plants in the Concan. Figure has been cut out and pasted onto sheet, background details in pencil drawn in.

A Variety in the Shooter Sun

Item consists of a colour illustration of a sea snake, among flowers. Figures have been cut out and pasted onto sheet, with background details drawn in. The caption describes the subject as "a large Water Snake, found in salt Marshy Grounds." An additional annotation in pencil by Henry Mousley identifies the species as: "Hydrophis obscurus."

A variety of the Indian Certhia

Item consists of a pencil and partially coloured illustration of a red and blue bird poised on a branch, with identification and description in pen in contemporary hand: A variety of the Indian Certhia; with different Trees and Shrubs on Salsette. Figures have been cut out and pasted on sheet with background details pencilled in.

A variety of the Paterah

Item consists of a pencil and partially coloured illustration of a brown bird with blue neck poised on a branch with large leaves and pink flower, with description in pen in contemporary hand: A variety of the Paterah, in the Concan, with the Pomegranate and Juncea. Figures have been cut out and pasted on sheet with background details pencilled in.

A young Cobra de Capello in Guzerat

Item consists of a partial illustration of a cobra. Figure has been cut out and pasted onto sheet, with background details drawn in. The caption reads: "This is a variety in the Hooded Snakes of Hindostan; in which Mr. Russell remarks are many slight variations both in form and color. Copied J Forbes 1813." An additional annotation in pencil by Henry Mousley reads: "Naia tripudians imm.?"

A young Snake of the Boa Tribe

Item consists of a colour illustration of a small boa, with some background details unfinished. Figures have been cut out and pasted onto sheet, with background details drawn in. The caption reads: "A young Snake of the Boa Tribe; of a harmless nature, and found in many parts of India." An additional annotation in pencil by Henry Mousley identifies the species as: "Distira jerdonii."

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